Kaidan | Liara | No one
Name Annakie Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-10 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Vanguard
Background Spacer / Sole Survivor
Romanced Kaidan
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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100% Paragon, about 10% Renegade. Completed every quest with the most paragon choice possible.

Completionist, every side quest including gathering quests completed.

Has Bring Down the Sky.
Does not have Pinnacle Station.

Saved Kaidan on Virmire & later Romanced him to sexytime completion.
Saved Wrex on Virmire.
Let Rana go on Virmire.

Helped Parasini arrest Anolais.
Saved the Rachni Queen.

All Feros quests completed and got Jeong to agree to get ExoGeni to fund the colony.
Let the Asari go, she stayed to help out Zhu's Hope.

Convinced Helena Blake to retire and do something better with her life.
Wrex killed Fist.
Was nice to Conrad.
Completed Asari Diplomacy side quest.
Nicely got Bahtia to agree to leave his wife’s body for the Alliance to study.
Saved the Council.

Party Stuff:
Got all Companions.
Encouraged Garrus to be more Paragon-like.
Was nice to all Party members (except occasionally Liara to avoid romance conflict scene with Kaidan.)

This is the main Shepard of the owner of

Name Jenna Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-23 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Vanguard
Background Earthborn / Sole Survivor
Romanced Kaidan
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Mix of Paragon and Rengeade. Nice to civilians, bitched out whining military men to be better.
Completed every mission and assignment including collection quests.

Bring Down the Sky - Killed the henchman, captured the boss and sent him to Alliance jail.
Pinnacle Station - Got the apartment.

Rachni Queen Lives
Conrad Verner: Paragon
Complete UNC: Asari Diplomacy sidequest.
Alliance has Nirali Bhatia's body.
Feros Zhu's Hope: Completed all quests, saved the colonists and the Asari lives.
I abused the console and both paragon/renegade glitches

Name Elshana Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-23 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Soldier
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Kaidan
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Alignment: Maxed out Paragon, with just a smidgen of Renegade (<10 pts). I think I picked the Paragon ending to just about every quest, and was nice to everyone that I met. Tried to be diplomatic.

Bring Down the Sky installed? Yes
Pinnacle Station installed? No

Romance: Slept with Kaiden, he survived Virmire.
Wrex was kept alive through diplomacy, found the armour.
Saved the Council
Saved the Rachni Queen
Treated Conrad Verner nicely
UNC: Asari Diplomacy sidequest: Completed, didn't try to blackmail the sister.
Did NOT Choose to allow the Alliance to conduct experiments on Nirali Bhatia's body.
Ferros: Made sure to do all the "help the colonist" quests, and managed to avoid killing a single one of them.

Garrus: Encouraged to be more Paragon-like, though I might have missed a couple dialogue sequences in that regard.
Council Seat: Captain Anderson.
Party Involvement: This play through was done with Garrus & Liara almost exclusively to get the achievement, but I believe that I did all the companion sidequests.

Name Valen Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-24 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Infiltrator
Background Earthborn / Sole Survivor
Romanced Kaidan
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council No
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Completionist: finished all quests including collection quests (minerals, insignias, etc)

Bring Down the Sky: yes
Pinnacle Station: yes

Saved Kaidan
Romanced Kaidan to completion
Wrex is alive
Let the council die (focus on sovereign option)
Saved the Rachni queen
Paragon options with Conrad (he is at home with his family)
Completed UNC Asari Diplomacy quest
Choose to allow the Alliance to conduct experiments on Nirali Bhatia's body
All feros quests completed (paragon). All colonists saved

Encouraged Garrus to be more renegade
Picked Anderson for the council
Took along all party members

Other possibly pertinent info: gave Tali the geth data, killed Finch, saved the BDtS hostages. also no console cheats used in these saves

Name Jane #3 Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-24 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 50 Vanguard
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Kaidan
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Some side quests, not all. I'll list the notable ones. Did not bother with the collection ones.


Saved Kaidan
Romanced Kaidan
Saved Wrex
Saved the Council
Saved the Rachni Queen
Paragon response to Conrad
No change to Garrus
Did not complete Asari Diplomacy (As a test for ME2 to see what the impacts of this would be)
Got Bosker to hand over Bhatia's body.
Anderson was selected for the council.

Name Lianna Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-26 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 50 Infiltrator
Background Colonist / Sole Survivor
Romanced Kaidan
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council No
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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All quests done except for finding all keepers and minerals.


Alignment in brackets were the chosen dialogue options when dealing with the quest (does not necessarily equate to the same result, though).

- All party members collected
- Saved Kaidan and the Salarian commando team
- Romanced Kaidan, but cockblocked him on Ilos (Turns out actually qualifies as a romance for ME2)
- Gave Tali the Geth data
- (PARA) Kept Wrex alive
- (PARA) Garrus
- (PARA) Saved the Rachni Queen
- (RENE) Let Council die (to focus on Sovereign)
- Nominated Anderson

- (PARA) Major Kyle, Hostage ended with no losses
- (PARA) Persuaded Helena Blake to disband
- (RENE) ExoGeni Facility scientists, Cerebus scientist killed with Toombs alive

- (PARA) Treated Conrad Verner nicely
- (PARA) Persuaded Samesh to allow the Alliance to conduct experiments on Nirali Bhatia's body
- (PARA) Helped Emily Wong, and returned the listening bug
- (PARA) Refused to give vote for Terra Firma party
- (PARA) Persuaded preaching Hanar to leave
- (PARA) Handed Schell's gambling device over to Doran
- (PARA) Helped out Jenna and Chellick without giving the game away
- (RENE) Persuaded Rebekah to go for gene therapy
- (RENE) Completed the UNC: Asari Diplomacy sidequest, persuaded her for license
- (RENE) Persuaded Keeler to go for drug addiction rehab, did not give him any stimulant
- (PARA/RENE) I remember Me quest completed without violence

- (PARA) Completed all colony quests
- (PARA) All colonists survive
- (PARA) Shiala lives
- (PARA) Persuaded Jeong to get ExoGeni to invest heavily into Zhu's Hope

- (PARA) Refused to smuggle
- (PARA) Anoleis arrested
- (RENE) Fed Calis the wrong info

Name Lianna Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-26 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 50 Infiltrator
Background Colonist / Sole Survivor
Romanced Kaidan
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council No
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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All quests done except for finding all keepers and minerals.


Alignment in brackets were the chosen dialogue options when dealing with the quest (does not necessarily equate to the same result, though).

- All party members collected
- Saved Kaidan and the Salarian commando team
- Romanced Kaidan, but cockblocked him on Ilos (Note from Annakie - for ME2 purposes, this still counts as a completed romance.)
- Gave Tali the Geth data
- (PARA) Kept Wrex alive
- (PARA) Garrus
- (PARA) Saved the Rachni Queen
- (RENE) Let Council die (to focus on Sovereign)
- Nominated Anderson

- (PARA) Major Kyle, Hostage ended with no losses
- (PARA) Persuaded Helena Blake to disband
- (RENE) ExoGeni Facility scientists, Cerebus scientist killed with Toombs alive

- (PARA) Treated Conrad Verner nicely
- (PARA) Persuaded Samesh to allow the Alliance to conduct experiments on Nirali Bhatia's body
- (PARA) Helped Emily Wong, and returned the listening bug
- (PARA) Refused to give vote for Terra Firma party
- (PARA) Persuaded preaching Hanar to leave
- (PARA) Handed Schell's gambling device over to Doran
- (PARA) Helped out Jenna and Chellick without giving the game away
- (RENE) Persuaded Rebekah to go for gene therapy
- (RENE) Completed the UNC: Asari Diplomacy sidequest, persuaded her for license
- (RENE) Persuaded Keeler to go for drug addiction rehab, did not give him any stimulant
- (PARA/RENE) I remember Me quest completed without violence

- (PARA) Completed all colony quests
- (PARA) All colonists survive
- (PARA) Shiala lives
- (PARA) Persuaded Jeong to get ExoGeni to invest heavily into Zhu's Hope

- (PARA) Refused to smuggle
- (PARA) Anoleis arrested
- (RENE) Fed Calis the wrong info

Big thanks to Mu for submitting this Shepard!

Name Lianna Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-26 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 50 Infiltrator
Background Colonist / Sole Survivor
Romanced Kaidan
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council No
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Mostly Paragon (100% Para, 38% Rene)

Bring Down the Sky installed: NO

Pinnacle Station installed: NO

All quests done except for finding all keepers and minerals.

Alignment in brackets were the chosen dialogue options when dealing with the quest (does not necessarily equate to the same result, though).

- Saved Kaidan and the Salarian commando team
- Romanced Kaidan, but cockblocked him on Ilos (Note from Annakie - This counts as a completed romance for ME2 purposes.)
- Gave Tali the Geth data
- (PARA) Garrus
- (PARA) Saved the Rachni Queen

- (PARA) Major Kyle, Hostage ended with no losses
- (PARA) Persuaded Helena Blake to disband
- (RENE) ExoGeni Facility scientists, Cerebus scientist killed with Toombs alive

- (PARA) Treated Conrad Verner nicely
- (PARA) Persuaded Samesh to allow the Alliance to conduct experiments on Nirali Bhatia's body
- (PARA) Helped Emily Wong, and returned the listening bug
- (PARA) Refused to give vote for Terra Firma party
- (PARA) Persuaded preaching Hanar to leave
- (PARA) Handed Schell's gambling device over to Doran
- (PARA) Helped out Jenna and Chellick without giving the game away
- (RENE) Persuaded Rebekah to go for gene therapy
- (RENE) Completed the UNC: Asari Diplomacy sidequest, persuaded her for license
- (RENE) Persuaded Keeler to go for drug addiction rehab, did not give him any stimulant
- (PARA/RENE) I remember Me quest completed without violence

- (PARA) Completed all colony quests
- (PARA) All colonists survive
- (PARA) Shiala lives
- (PARA) Persuaded Jeong to get ExoGeni to invest heavily into Zhu's Hope

- (PARA) Refused to smuggle
- (PARA) Anoleis arrested
- (RENE) Fed Calis the wrong info

Big thanks to Mu for submitting this Shepard!

Name Alexandra Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-29 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 50 Infiltrator
Background Earthborn / War Hero
Romanced Kaidan
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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All available primary and secondary missions completed. Maximum credits.

Bring Down the Sky Installed (Hostages died / Batarian leader killed, Batarian subordinate spared)
No Pinnacle Station

Kaidan saved on Virmire
Romanced Kaidan
Wrex alive
Saved the Council
Killed Rachni queen
Let Conrad Verner down gently (Paragon route).
Completed Asari Diplomat quest.
Let Nirali Bhatia's body go for experimentation.
All Feros sidequests complete, All colonists spared (spared the Thorian Asari too).

Encouraged a more Renegade-like Garrus.
Anderson for Council.
All party members recruited.

Other actions:
- No deal with Shadow Broker for Cerberus data.
- Took Paragon route to taking down Anoleis on Noveria (convinced Qui'in to testify)

Name Yalson Shepard
Date Added 2010-02-13 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 53 Adept
Background Earthborn / Sole Survivor
Romanced Kaidan
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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-Completionist (every single sidequest/"assignment" completed)

-Bring Down the Sky installed. Hostages rescued, though promised to bring unspeakable calamities onto Balak next time he appears.
-Pinnacle Station installed. Reached first place in all twelve simulators, and completed Ahern's First Contact War scenario.
-Urged Fifth Fleet to rescue Destiny Ascension and Citadel Fleet, even if it meant sacrificing strength against Sovereign.
-Allowed Rachni Queen to go free.
-Told Conrad to go back home to his family; said that strong resolve on the home front was what I fight for, even though he really just annoyed me.
-Completed Asari Diplomacy. Manipulated by Nassana into killing her sister. Used Paragon option for greater reward.
-Ordered Nirali Bhatia's body released to Samesh.
-Completed all sidequests to support Zhu's Hope. Saved all the colonists, despite being shot ridiculous number of times for my trouble. Allowed Shiala to return and become a colonist at Zhu's Hope after defeating the Thorian.
-Gave Tali the data acquired from clearing out geth in Armstrong Nebula.
-Completed all the Cerberus quests, to Cerberus's detriment. (Yalson's got a BIG problem with Cerberus, in case you weren't tipped off by her background and only significant Renegade action.) Gave the finger to the Shadow Broker's agent when he asked for their data.
-Did not punch out the reporter in UNC: The Fourth Estate. Used the conversation to make the Alliance and Council look like best friends.
-Helped Parasini put Anoleis behind bars; didn't completely trust her, but Anoleis made a rude comment about Yalson's childhood on Earth. As tempting as allowing Lorik Quiin to destroy the administrator sounded, the Paragon's instincts kicked in at the last second.
-Convinced Helena Blake that the crime syndicate was doomed to failure, and it would be wisest to walk away "innocent."

-Encouraged Garrus's Paragon tendencies. He means well, but he's a little too quick with his trigger finger and not quick enough with his head.
-Encouraged Anderson to take new human Council seat; after the abuse he's taken from everyone else, he would make a very influential "loyal opposition."
-All possible NPCs recruited to squad. Best friends with Tali and Wrex.

Name Lia Shepard
Date Added 2010-02-13 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Vanguard
Background Colonist / War Hero
Romanced Kaidan
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Saved the Rachni Queen
Was nice to Conrad Verner
Completed Asari Diplomacy
Let Shiala live to aid the colonists at Zhu's Hope (Feros)
Helped Gianna Parasini arrest Anolias on Noveria
Convinced Helena Blake to give up her life of crime
Advised the Council to accept Captain Anderson
All squad members used

Rich: Yes
Full Paragon (612 paragon points, 11 renegade points)
Colonist, War Hero (charmed Talitha to take the sedative)
Elkoss Carbine license aquired
Garrus recruited (and convinced to be paragon)
Wrex recruited (and survived Virmire)
Tali side quest completed
Romanced Kaidan
Chloe Michel persuaded
Asari Consort side quest completed (did not obtain trinket)
Agreed to be interviewed by Khalisah Al-Jilani (and charmed her throughout, but didn't mention Saren at Eden Prime)
Met Conrad Verner (convinced him to stay at home)
Didn't talk to Harkin
Accepted quest to scan the Keepers (and scanned them all)
Told Chorban to stop scanning the Keepers (after scanning them all already) and didn't turn Jahleed in
Let Fist go
Convinced Ethan Jeong to keep Zhu's Hope intact
All colonists saved at Zhu's Hope (Good+ ending)
Let Shiala go on Feros
Saved Captain Kirrahe on Virmire
Rescued Kaidan on Virmire
Old Council was saved (Anderson recormended)
Helena Blake convinced to disband her gang
Killed Nassana's sister on Sharjila (charmed her to obtain the Armali Council license)
Didn't see the vision on Eletania
Fully aware of Cerberus (Missing Marines, Cerberus, Hades' Dogs)
Convinced Corporal Toombs to spare Dr. Wayne
Saved Chairman Burns from the biotic extremists (and charmed them down)
Rescued the hostages in Bring Down The Sky

Name Elise Shepard
Date Added 2010-02-13 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Vanguard
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Kaidan
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Completionist, did all collection sidequests, explored all planets.
Maxed Paragon & Renegade with Lorik Qui'in exploit - mostly
Paragon story decisions.

Bring Down the Sky: Yes. Saved hostages, terrorist leader escaped.
Pinnacle Station installed: No.

Saved Rachni Queen.
Conrad Verner: Paragon treatment.
Completed UNC: Asari Diplomacy
Did not allow experiments on Nirali Bhatia.
Completed all Feros Zhu's Hope quests, saved all colonists and the asari.

Neutral with Garrus, although leaning toward Renegade.
Anderson for council.
Recruited all party members.

Name Shelley Shepard
Date Added 2010-02-25 19:34:23
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 0 Soldier
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Kaidan
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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- I've completed every single quest (main, side, mineral gathering, etc.).

- Bring Down the Sky was installed and completed to the fullest. I ended up saving the workers.

- Pinnacle Station was not installed.

- I saved the Rachni Queen (which would lead to an asari in ME2 relaying a message from the Rachni Queen).

- For Conrad Verner, I don't remember whether I treated him bad or good. It's been a long time since I've played ME1. It also doesn't help that ME2 suffers from the "Renegade Conrad" issue.

- I did do Nassana's quest.

- I did not let Gianna Parasini arrest Administrator Anoleis (Gianna references this botched attempt in ME2).

- I let Shiala live after defeating the Thorian.

- I let Helena Blake live (and she becomes a social worker for Omega -_- ).

- Another thing I don't quite remember is whether I let Fist live or not.

- This character has the "Rich" achievement as I played this character on Veteran. The money cheat was not used as it credits came easily. I might have used the alignment points cheat a few times as I wanted to try and finish as a pure Paragon despite any Renegade actions that I might have done.

Name Wynne Shepard
Date Added 2010-02-26 08:57:47
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Vanguard
Background Colonist / War Hero
Romanced Kaidan
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council No
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Appearance: Black hair, green eyes, pale skin, freckled complexion, longish nose, pale pink cheeks and lips for a natural look; intended to look reasonably pretty/kind with a very slight cuteness; an attractive but normal (not idealized) woman. Below are screenshots of the character's appearance in Mass Effect 2 as it looks after import. (You can of course change it during the Lazarus Project, but if you'd rather not have to do all the work of building a decent face, then I figured it's nice to have a preview of what you'll be looking at during the game.)

Roleplaying info--Maxed Paragon, but also with two bars of Renegade by ME1's measurement (maybe 10-20%.) She was played as a mostly shiny heroine but with a bit of a pragmatic streak. She'd give almost anyone a chance to redeem themselves, including Saren, but believed there were a handful of people in the universe who were too far gone and would never see reason and thus would be better off put down before they can hurt anyone else. Very much a case-by-case Paragon who couldn't live with a self-serving illusion of what is right, rather than a pure paladin type. Comes from her Colonist background; she'd seen the fact that there's sometimes no "pretty" choice available and felt she had the responsibility to choose the least ugly one. "At least I did the warm and fuzzy thing even if I allowed a horrible wrong to occur" was not this character's style, but she tried to gauge by someone's eyes, words, and voice whether she really believed they'd try to change, and picked the harsh choice only if she felt certain it was the lesser evil.

Completionist: Yes. There are no uncompleted sidequests on the save when loaded in ME1, and a LOT of minor quests were done--the one with Rebekah's child (sided with Rebekah), the keeper scanning, convinced Keeler to seek help for his drug addiction, helped Emily Wong, etc. Only exception I can think of is that I missed the Terra Firma quest on the Ashley save. Also ran into Khalisa al-Jilani a bit too early to tell her off properly Paragon-style, but that just gives all the more motivation for a rematch of some kind in ME2. For more, you can load the pre-Citadel save in ME1 and check the completed assignments log.

BDTS: Yes, but the batarian is dead. This character believed he would never stop and the damage might be even worse next time. She's no racist despite what happened to her family, and would help a batarian she believed could be a good person, but a batarian terrorist with no sympathetic justification for his actions (unlike the L2 biotics) was way too much for her. She felt she would be responsible if he tried again and she wasn't there to stop him, and she had no guarantee that he wouldn't kill the captives regardless of whether she acquiesced to his demands.
Pinnacle: No.

Saved on Virmire: Your choice between Ashley/Council dead, Kaidan/Council dead, Kaidan/Council saved. The Ashley save I imagined as putting her feelings for Kaidan aside and choosing to save the person with more family to mourn them; the other chose the man she loved and after Virmire became very slightly more Renegade, but still primarily Paragon; just a tad more aggressive and cynical perhaps due to guilt. In the Kaidan save she told the Terra Firma guy to get lost, on the Ashley save he was never met, but everything else on the two saves is the same. In the Ashley save and one of the Kaidan saves, the Council was allowed to die for the sake of the galaxy (she wasn't sure whether they could beat Sovereign otherwise and with Reapers everywhere the lives of three bureaucrats wouldn't amount to anything.) There is also one Kaidan lived/Council was saved version.
Ashley Save: Romanced No One.
Kaidan Save: Romanced Kaidan fully.
Wrex survived Virmire, as did Kirrahe.
Anderson was chosen to head the new joint-race Council. Udina was told that the intention was not to subdue the other races. But you can retroactively choose Udina in the game proper during an early conversation.

Talitha from the Colonist background was saved.
The Rachni Queen lives.
Burns was saved and the L2 biotics went in peacefully.
Toombs is alive and the scientist as well.
Conrad Verner was treated kindly and then talked down.
Nassana's sister was dead before she asked this character to do anything.
Nirali Bhatia was given to the Alliance; her husband was gently talked down with the idea that it might save more people like Nirali.
Zhu's Hope was given the full treatment; none of the colonists perished.
Helena Blake was told to change her ways and set loose.
Rana Thanoptis was allowed to flee.
Garrus was encouraged to be more Paragon.
Tali got her geth data.
All party members were recruited.
The rest can be checked by loading up the ME1 pre-endgame save and checking the assignments log.

Name Wynne Shepard
Date Added 2010-02-26 09:01:54
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Vanguard
Background Colonist / War Hero
Romanced Kaidan
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Appearance: Black hair, green eyes, pale skin, freckled complexion, longish nose, pale pink cheeks and lips for a natural look; intended to look reasonably pretty/kind with a very slight cuteness; an attractive but normal (not idealized) woman. Below are screenshots of the character's appearance in Mass Effect 2 as it looks after import. (You can of course change it during the Lazarus Project, but if you'd rather not have to do all the work of building a decent face, then I figured it's nice to have a preview of what you'll be looking at during the game.)

Roleplaying info--Maxed Paragon, but also with two bars of Renegade by ME1's measurement (maybe 10-20%.) She was played as a mostly shiny heroine but with a bit of a pragmatic streak. She'd give almost anyone a chance to redeem themselves, including Saren, but believed there were a handful of people in the universe who were too far gone and would never see reason and thus would be better off put down before they can hurt anyone else. Very much a case-by-case Paragon who couldn't live with a self-serving illusion of what is right, rather than a pure paladin type. Comes from her Colonist background; she'd seen the fact that there's sometimes no "pretty" choice available and felt she had the responsibility to choose the least ugly one. "At least I did the warm and fuzzy thing even if I allowed a horrible wrong to occur" was not this character's style, but she tried to gauge by someone's eyes, words, and voice whether she really believed they'd try to change, and picked the harsh choice only if she felt certain it was the lesser evil.

Completionist: Yes. There are no uncompleted sidequests on the save when loaded in ME1, and a LOT of minor quests were done--the one with Rebekah's child (sided with Rebekah), the keeper scanning, convinced Keeler to seek help for his drug addiction, helped Emily Wong, etc. Only exception I can think of is that I missed the Terra Firma quest on the Ashley save. Also ran into Khalisa al-Jilani a bit too early to tell her off properly Paragon-style, but that just gives all the more motivation for a rematch of some kind in ME2. For more, you can load the pre-Citadel save in ME1 and check the completed assignments log.

BDTS: Yes, but the batarian is dead. This character believed he would never stop and the damage might be even worse next time. She's no racist despite what happened to her family, and would help a batarian she believed could be a good person, but a batarian terrorist with no sympathetic justification for his actions (unlike the L2 biotics) was way too much for her. She felt she would be responsible if he tried again and she wasn't there to stop him, and she had no guarantee that he wouldn't kill the captives regardless of whether she acquiesced to his demands.
Pinnacle: No.

Saved on Virmire: Your choice between Ashley/Council dead, Kaidan/Council dead, Kaidan/Council saved. The Ashley save I imagined as putting her feelings for Kaidan aside and choosing to save the person with more family to mourn them; the other chose the man she loved and after Virmire became very slightly more Renegade, but still primarily Paragon; just a tad more aggressive and cynical perhaps due to guilt. In the Kaidan save she told the Terra Firma guy to get lost, on the Ashley save he was never met, but everything else on the two saves is the same. In the Ashley save and one of the Kaidan saves, the Council was allowed to die for the sake of the galaxy (she wasn't sure whether they could beat Sovereign otherwise and with Reapers everywhere the lives of three bureaucrats wouldn't amount to anything.) There is also one Kaidan lived/Council was saved version.
Ashley Save: Romanced No One.
Kaidan Save: Romanced Kaidan fully.
Wrex survived Virmire, as did Kirrahe.
Anderson was chosen to head the new joint-race Council. Udina was told that the intention was not to subdue the other races. But you can retroactively choose Udina in the game proper during an early conversation.

Talitha from the Colonist background was saved.
The Rachni Queen lives.
Burns was saved and the L2 biotics went in peacefully.
Toombs is alive and the scientist as well.
Conrad Verner was treated kindly and then talked down.
Nassana's sister was dead before she asked this character to do anything.
Nirali Bhatia was given to the Alliance; her husband was gently talked down with the idea that it might save more people like Nirali.
Zhu's Hope was given the full treatment; none of the colonists perished.
Helena Blake was told to change her ways and set loose.
Rana Thanoptis was allowed to flee.
Garrus was encouraged to be more Paragon.
Tali got her geth data.
All party members were recruited.
The rest can be checked by loading up the ME1 pre-endgame save and checking the assignments log.

Name Jessica Shepard
Date Added 2010-03-02 21:33:39
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 54 Soldier
Background Spacer / Sole Survivor
Romanced Kaidan
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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I spent quite a long time trying to get my Shep lookin' as good as possible (despite hair options) - hope you like her look if you choose not to edit =P

ME Mugshot: (Note: Screenshot taken before last mission to Ilos, this Shep should be level 54 in the save given.)

Translation into ME2:

Paragon completionist - 100% quests & missions done - 100% of galaxy explored, no console tricks, cheats or hacks used.


-Full Paragon / roughly 15% Renegade.
-Childhood choice: Spacer - including conversation with Hanah Shepard (mom =D)
-Reputation choice: Sole Survivor.


-Rich: Yes
-All License purchased

Party Members:
-Paragon Garus
-Wrex Alive & friendly
-Tali's/Garrus'/Wrex's sidequests done
-Romanced Kaidan (all the way)
-Sacraficed Ash
-Used all party members equally

-Harkin (C-sec officer, tied to Garrus recruitment) talked
-Dr. Chloe Michel blackmailer killed
-Identity of Armistan Banes suspected
-Asari Consort sidequest done - sexual ending + got & used trinket on Eletania
-Al-Jilani Interview outcome: Tried best to look good (Charm options.)
-Conrad Verner: Shoved a gun in his face (aparantly - Don't remember doing that but he references it in ME2. Either way it was a "friendly" outcome and he survived.
-Jahleed quest outcome: Chorban & Jahleed make up and work together - All Keepers scanned
-Fist (Chora's Den owner) outcome: Let him go.
-Citadel: Family Matter: Rebekah decide what's best for the child.
-Citadel: Old, Unhappy, Far-Off Things: Talked with Hanah (mom) & convinced Zabaleta to goto rehab (Spacer background)
-Citadel: Homecoming: Body returned to Samesh (Charm)
-Citadel: Reporter's Request: handed Fist's OSD to Emily & hid bug for her
-UNC:Hostile: Helena Blake killed after arrest attempt
-UNC: Asari Diplomacy Complete (didn't recieve bonus upgrades.)

-Ethan Jeong (ExoGeni Corporation representative) killed by Shepard.
-Colonists killed: none, used gas grenades on all.
-Shiala Alive
-Colony outcome: Perfect
-Data Recovery, Geth in the Tunnels, Power Cells, Varren Meat, Water Restoration all complete.

-Gianna Helped - Charmed Qui'in & Anoleis arrested
-Noveria: Smuggling: I believe this is the ONLY quest in the entire game I didn't complete as it conflicted with Anolleis' arrest unless renegade option was taken. Did NOT remain in journal though.
-Han Olar: Saved from asari commandos - appeared to be the only survivor after heading to the Hot Labs first and falling into Ventralis' ambush.
-Liara was with me on the mission and with Banezia when she died
-Rachni Queen released

-Shut down all geth hubs
-Captain Kirrahe saved
-Rana Alive
-Rescued Kaidan
-Sacraficed Ash

-Old Council Saved
-Choice for new council: Anderson

-completed ALL sidequests (even completing all mineral/Insignia/Matriarch Writings, exploring every planet)
-UNC: Hades' Dogs: Cerberus files found. gave to the Alliance
-UNC: Major Kyle - survived and surrendered. No biotics killed.
-UNC: Hostage Chairman killed by Biotics - biotics killed in return
-UNC: Hostage: Corporal Toombs Alive, scientist arrested.

Weapons and armor: All of Shep's best Spectre X weapons aquired. Collosus X aquired, though medium version, was unable to get the heavy.

DLC Bring Down the Sky: Complete.
- Humans died but batarian's captured and given to alliance.

DLC Pinnacle Station: Complete. 1st place in all missions, completed live challenge. Aquired Shepard's appartment.

Name Jaden Shepard
Date Added 2010-03-27 11:13:25
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 50 Soldier
Background Colonist / War Hero
Romanced Kaidan
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Was a completionist but missed out one side-quest and din't fine all resources.
Bring Down the Sky installed - saved workers and let Batarians go.
Pinnacle Station not installed.
Saved Rachni Queen.
Treated Conrad Verner nicely.
Completed Asari Diplomacy side-quest.
Let cloned Asari on Feros live to help colony.
Helped Parasini to arrest Anolias on Noveria.
Convinced Helena Blake to change her ways.
Fist killed by Wrex on the Citadel.
Got the Alliance to give Nirali Bhatia's body back to her husband.

Name Jane Shepard
Date Added 2012-01-29 02:25:58
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Kaidan
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Finished everything, collected all mineral/Insignia/Matriarch Writings

Finished all main quests and side quests with paragon ending.

Explored every planet

Bring Down the Sky installed or not installed? -Did you save the workers or kill Baalak?
Yes, workers saved.

Pinnacle Station installed or not installed?
Installed, finished all missions in 1st place.

-Did you kill Rachni Queen or save the Rachni Queen?
Saved the Rachni Queen

-Did you treat Conrad Verner nicely (Paragon) mean (Renegade), or get him killed (Neutral)?
Treated Conrad Verner nicely (Paragon)

-Did you complete the UNC: Asari Diplomacy sidequest?

-At the Thorian, did you let the Asari who was cloned live or did you kill her?

-On Noveria, did you help Parasini arrest Anolias or did you get Parasini killed?
Anolias arrested by Parasini

-Did you let Helena Blake live, did you kill her, or did you not do her quest?
Live, convinced her to leave the syndicate

-On the Citadel, did Fist live, or did he die?
Fist Lived

-Did you allow the Alliance to experiment on Nirali Bhatia's body or did you get the Alliance to give the body back to her husband?
Alliance experiments on Nirali Bhatia's body

Just to further emphasize that EVERYTHING was done, this was my 6th play though maxed both paragon and renegade bars, however completed everything with a paragon ending. Completed both UNC: The Negotiation and UNC: Besieged Base with max paragon endings.

Name Tarena Shepard
Date Added 2012-02-09 02:33:15
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Earthborn / Sole Survivor
Romanced Kaidan
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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100% Completion on All Side Quests.

- DONE scanning keepers.
- Convinced Gen. Septimus in Chora's.
- Brought Wrex to kill Fist
- Treated Conrad Verner nicely
- Completed the UNC: Asari Diplomacy sidequest
- Allows the Alliance to conduct experiments on Nirali Bhatia's body
- Helped Emily Wong twice.
- Handled Al-Jilani well without a punch.
- Disagreed with Charles of Terra Firma party.
- No stimulant but therapy for Elias.

- Completed the Feros Zhu's Hope water/food/battery quests.
- All Colonists survive.
- Shiala lives to rebuild.
- Completed Gavin Hossle's data recovery.
- Jeong convinced to help Colony through Charm.

- Gave smuggled goods from Hanar to Anoleis.
- Took down Anoleis with Lorik's testimony.
- Saves the Rachni Queen

- Saved Wrex.
- Saved Keiden and Salarian STG
- Killed Ashley

- Encouraged Garrus to be more Paragon, tried to arrest Dr. Heart.
- Helped Wrex with family armor.
- Completed paragon quest perfectly.
- Completed renegade quest perfectly. (Cheated to temporarily give me Renegade points to get quest, then cheated to lower them back to my earned number.)
- Killed all Cerberus bases.
- Gave Geth data to Tali.
- Didn't give info to Shadow Broker.
- Convinced L2 biotics to not kill Human Councillor.
- Pick Anderson for a seat on the council.
- Bring Down the Sky: Saved Workers, Let Terrorist Flee. Found Dead Workers.

Pinnacle Station:
- Top Scored, No Cheats Used, Retirement House Earned.

- I took a lot of extra time to earn Colossus X Armor for EVERY Squad Mate.

- I used a cheat to give Tarena a suit of Medium Crisis X Armor which has comparable stats to the Colossus X except with more shields and less Damage Protection.
- ALL COMPANIONS are Extremely Well Equipped, many, if not all even have good weapons of types they don't spec in.
- P.S. NONE of the Cheats I used give Tarena an Unfair Advantage, no stat cheating, no stat tricking. Her Cheat Armor does NOT provide uneven stats.

Power Statistics.
- Tarena has the bonus power Barrier.
- All stats strategically done for maximum effectiveness.

12 Points in Fitness, Pistols, Sniper Rifles, Tactical Armor, Electronics, Commando, Charm, Spectre Training.
9 Points Decryption.
1 Point Barrier.
Max Natural Points Spent.

Other Info:
Face Code Converted to ME2 and Link to Masseffect2faces:

Screenshot Link:

Name Nimue Shepard
Date Added 2012-04-19 10:38:09
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Kaidan
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed Yes
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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100% Paragon 25% Renegade.
Completionist excluding only some extra stuff over the amount needed to complete the collection quests. Did not complete Wrex's loyalty quest.

Bring Down the Sky installed - saved the workers.
Pinnacle Station installed - completed all challenges and got the apartment.

-saved the Rachni Queen.
-treated Conrad Verner nicely.
-completed UNC: Asari Diplomacy.
-let the asari who was cloned on feros live.
-assisted Gina Parasini to arrest Anolias.
-let helena blake live, did not encourage to disband gang.
-I am unsure if wrex killed fist or if I did. I'm reasonably sure he's dead either way.
-the alliance experimented on nirali bhatia's body.

I primarily created this save because I wanted a paragon shepard that killed wrex on virmire, for EMS purposes in ME3. I thought I'd share it with the world.

The face codes are default, simply because I actually like the default look.

This Shepard was submitted by Amberion

Name Teyla Shepard
Date Added 2012-06-04 16:28:52
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Kaidan
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Completionist, except for the renegade quest and didn't gathered all the minerals. But did gather all the other data. Paragon but with a few renegade choices

Bring down the sky installed? Yes and saved all the workers, letting Balak go
Pinnacle Station installed? Yes and got the apartment

-Let Helena Blake survive but told her to leave the group
-Let Fist live
-Treated Conrad nicely
-Did the Asari: Diplomacy by talking to Nassana and then find her sister
-Helped the asari consort, got the trinket and went to the ruin
-Helped Dr. Michel and didn't kill the thugs
-Convinced Samesh Bhati through Paragon to let the Alliance do experiments on his wife's body
-Helped Emily Wong with first assignment but refused on the second
-Made the hanar prophet to go somewhere else
-Helped Rita's sister Jenna
-Scanned all the keepers and convinced Chorban and Jahleed to give it back
-Gave Schell's gambling device to Doran
-Convinced the couple in "Family Matters" that it was Rebekahs choice
-Answered Paragon on all the annoying reporters question and ended with an diplomatic answer
-Told the politician that I did not support him
-Told the negotiator to get help and let the assistant do the work

-Did all the quests for the colonist (Geth in the tunnel, Power Cells, Varren Meat, Water Restoration)
-Retrieved the data for Gavin Hossle
-Convinced the guy (can't remember his name) to fund the colony
-Saved all the colonist using Anti-Thorian gas
-Let the Asari live and help the colony

-Helped the hanar to smuggle
-Did not spy for the asari
-Helped Parasini arrest Anolias
-Let the Rachni Queen live

-Saved Wrex
-Helped Captain Kirrahe's Team
-Did not let Rana live

-Made Garrus more Paragon by not killing Dr. Saleon right away
-Gave Tali the data
-Helped Wrex with his family armor
-Made Major Kyle surrender
-Helped Burns against the L2 biotics
-Everyone survived during the Paragon quest

Name Jane Shepard
Date Added 2013-09-12 18:11:36
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 48
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Kaidan
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Didnt collect all insignias etc.


Bring Down The Sky-Yes,saved hostages.
Pinnacle Station-No.

Let Fist go.

Persuaded Helena Blake to disband gangs.

Treated Conrad Verner nicely.

Used trinket on Eletania.

Scanned keepers for Chorban (not all but it doesnt matter,you still get an email from him in ME2).

Completed UNC:Asari Diplomacy.

Gave Geth data to Tali.

Saved rachni queen.

Saved Zhu's Hope (all side quests completed,0 colonists killed and Ethan Jeong persuaded).

Found data for Gavin Hossle.

Released Shiala.

Released Rhana Thanoptis.

Gave Fist's data to Emily Wong.

Assisted Gianna Parasini on Noveria.

Completed all Cerberus quests.

Convinced Corporal Toombs.

Convinced Major Kyle to surrender.


Completed nearly all quests,always went for the Paragon route,reloaded some missions until I completed them with 0 casualties to the innocents.A playthrough rigged to transfer as much content as possible to Mass Effect 2 but without collecting all insignias and other stuff on planets,just too boring and makes no difference in ME2.

Name Joan Shepard
Date Added 2014-09-03 16:41:02
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 50
Background Colonist / Ruthless
Romanced Kaidan
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council No
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Completionist run - all assignments completed EXCEPT FOR UNC: Valuable Minerals

Mostly Paragon run; some Renegade choices and background for flavor


Bring Down the Sky and Pinnacle Station installed and completed:

-Charn killed (no tolerance for slavers)
-Balaak spared to save the workers

Plot Missions:

-Fist lives (Citadel)
-Parasini arrests Anolias (Noveria)
-Saved the Rachni Queen (Noveria)
-Charmed deal with Jeong (Feros)
-All colonists saved (Feros)
-Spared Shiala (Feros)
-Captain Kirrahe lives (Virmire)
-Rana Thanoptis spared (Virmire)

Character Assignments:

-Garrus encouraged to be Paragon
-Tali given Geth data
-Wrex given Family Armor

Citadel Assignments:

-Nirali Bhatia's body withheld for tests (Citadel: Homecoming)
-Helena Blake convinced to disband the gang (UNC: Hostile Takeover)
-Conrad Verner treated nicely (Citadel: The Fan)
-Completed UNC: Asari Diplomacy
-Helped Emily Wong; Charmed for bonus interview (Citadel: Reporter's Request)
-Scanned ALL the Keepers! (Citadel: Scan the Keepers)
-Charmed through Al-Jilani's interview (Citadel: The Fourth Estate)
-Gave Talitha the sedative (Citadel: I Remember Me)
-Helped Sha'ira and Elcor Diplomat (Citadel: Asari Consort)
-Helped Dr. Michel without bloodshed (Citadel: Dr. Michel)
-Rebekah Petrovsky encouraged to go through gene therapy (Citadel: Family Matters)
-Did NOT endorse Terra Firma (Citadel: Our Own Worst Enemy)

UNC Assignments:

-All Cerberus assignments completed
-Information WITHHELD from Shadow Broker (UNC: Hades Dogs)
-Corporal Toombs and Dr. Wayne spared (UNC: Dead Scientists)
-"Nemesis" specialization(UNC: Rogue VI)
-Saved Chairman Burns (UNC: Hostage)
-All hostages rescued (UNC: Besieged Base)
-Major Kyle spared (UNC: Major Kyle)
-Euthanized Jacob (UNC: Lost Freighter)
-Unlocked Prothean vision on Eletania


-All Prothean Data Discs (UNC: Prothean Data Discs)
-All Turian Insignias (UNC: Turian Insignias)
-All League of One medallions and Salarian ID tags (UNC: Locate Signs of Battle)
-All Matriarch's Writings (UNC: Asari Writings)


-"Rich" achievement unlocked
-"Scholar" achievement unlocked
-Default appearance
-No mods installed
-Console activated to fix graphical glitches on Noveria and Ilos

Thank you for downloading!

Name Monet Shepard
Date Added 2015-07-24 05:16:08
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 50
Background Colonist / War Hero
Romanced Kaidan
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Shepard was a completionist, exploring all planets and doing any sidequests
Bring Down the sky installed: workers saved; Pinnacle Station installed
Shepard saved the Rachni Queen
Shepard treats Conrad Verner nicely
Shepard completed the UNC: Asari Diplomacy
At the thorian, Shepard let the asari who was cloned live
On Noveria, Shepard helped Parasini arrest Anolias
Shepard helps Talitha nicely and saves her from herself
Shepard convinces Helena Blake to retire and redeem herself
Shepard get the Alliance to give Nirali Bathia's body to her husband
Fist was killed
Rana was killed on Virmire
All Feros quest completed and the colony saved, Sheaprd convinces Jeong to get Exogeni to fund the colony
After getting all the companons , Shepard convinces Garrus to be more Paragon-like, helps Tali and is very nice to all compagnons
Shepard helps the Favorite, the Turian general and the elcor ambassador nicely

Name Eyas Shepard
Date Added 2016-08-05 01:04:45
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Colonist / Sole Survivor
Romanced Kaidan
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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This was damn near close to a completionist run (as close as I could get and still stay sane). Every quest on the ME checklist is complete, including the collection quests. I believe I hit every single marked location while exploring planets, though it's possible I may have missed a couple mining locations and/or loot locations (nothing plot related, though, and certainly nothing that is flagged in later games). This was my 6th playthrough of ME, and since it was a New Game+ I made sure to use walkthroughs and checklists so I didn't miss any little moments or side bits (even if they have no impact on later games).

BDTS installed and fully completed including side quests. I saved the workers (letting Baalak free).

Pinnacle Station installed. Top scores on all missions. Completed special mission and got the apartment.

-Rachni Queen Saved cause she's awesome.
-Treated Conrad Verner nicely (paragon).
-Gave Nassana the data and made the extra deal with her using Charm
-Let the cloned Asari at the Thorian live and work to help the colony.
-On Noveria, helped Parasini arrest Annoleis.
-Helena Blake lived and was encouraged to reform her ways.
-Brought Wrex on the Fist mission, and he killed Fist without warning despite Shepard not wanting him to.
-Convinced Nirali's husband that it was for the best that the Alliance be allowed to experiment on her body to save other soldiers' lives.

I roleplayed this as Paragon-nice-goodie-two-shoes as possible. If you're wondering if something else was handled paragon, the answer is almost undoubtedly yes. My concept was to have a Shepard who has seen terrible tragedy (hence her backgrounds) and wants to prevent as much harm as possible from here on.

I also played her as very curious and understanding about aliens. While I started the romance with Kaidan, I chose to end it tragically by having him sacrificed on Virmire. My goal was to set Shepard up for other romance options that open up in later games (it matches my whole coming back from tragedy while keeping honor in tact theme for her).

Also, if it matters to you at all, appearance-wise I went with the fairly uncommon choice of a black, female Shepard, which I've seen very few of.

-This Shepard was submitted by DJ Awkward Silence-

Name Alice Shepard
Date Added 2017-03-12 16:36:43
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 50
Background Earthborn / War Hero
Romanced Kaidan
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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As much Paragon as possible.
Every quest completed. Every collectable gathering quest completed.

Saved Zhu's Hope and all of the colonists.
Jeong agrees to get ExoGeni to fund the colony.
Spared the asari Shiala stay and told het to help the colony.
Every other minor quest complete.

Parasini arrested Anolais.
Released the Rachni Queen.
Every other minor quest complete.

Rescued Kaidan on Virmire.
Captain Kirrahe and his team saved.
Wrex survived.
Every other minor quest complete.

Convinced Helena Blake to retire.
Let Fist go.
Charmed Conrad Verner.
Helped Emily Wong, and returned the listening bug.

Helped the preacing hanar remain on the presidium.
Returned Samesh Bhatia's wife's body.
Saved the Council.
Appointed Anderson as human councilor.
Every other minor quest complete.

Bring Down The Sky:
Let Balak go (is an asset in ME3).
Saved the guys locked in the room.
Every other minor quest complete.
Pinnacle Station:
Completed every simulation.
Got the apartment.

Romanced Kaiden.
Encouraged Garrus to be Paragon.
Talked down the biotics and saved the scientist.
The salarian and volus cooperating on studying the keepers.
Every other minor quest complete.

If you wanna see how my Alice Shepard looks in ME and ME2 download this .zip and inside you will find screenshots from ME and ME2. Inside the .zip there are also .headmorph files from this face for ME2 and ME3 in case you wanna import it with the dedicated save editors.!xdJgQTyB!jSIcx17501bbJyw6XvnXHYJ9rW9K9IXj4f1fmr3FhX0

Name Vivian Shepard
Date Added 2018-10-09 19:08:30
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 50
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Kaidan
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Only the Matriarch's writings one was completed out of the gathering missions. All other side quests completed. (Including Tali's pilgrimage, Garrus's and Wrex's sidequests.)

Bring Down the Sky was installed. Saved the workers.

Pinnacle Station installed, but never finished it.

Saved Rachni queen.

Treated Conrad Verner nicely.

Asari Diplomacy sidequest completed.

Let the cloned asari live.

Helped Parasini on Noveria.

Let Helena Blake live, and convinced her to give up the life of crime.

Fist died.

Nirali Bhatia's body was given back to her husband.

Appointed Anderson as a councilor.

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