Ashley | Liara | No one
Name John #3 Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-21 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 50 Soldier
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Alignment: Full Paragon (maxed out paragon bar, very little in renegade. Chose all paragon dialog choices.)
Completionist run. All Missions and Assignments completed, Completionist achievement earned. Most achievements unlocked, except for Ally achievements, and most Talent achievements. Also no achievements relating to 2nd playthrough or any related to difficulty above Hard.

Bring Down the Sky: Yes
Pinnacle Station: No

Saved the Rachni Queen.
Treated Conrad with Paragon response and sent him on his way home :).
Completed the UNC: Asari Diplomacy sidequest and chose the Paragon response at the end.
Returned Nirali's body to her husband (Had Ashley in the group to talk with him if it makes any difference.)
Completed all of the Feros sidequests. All 16 colonists alive.

Paragon-like Garrus. Chose paragon response at Dr. Saelon
Chose Anderson for Council
Acquired all party members.

Thats all I can think of. I tried to play the "perfect" run so that others would have a good stock jumping off point for ME2.

Huge thanks to TheQuad for this Shepard!

Name Toad Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-22 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 50 Vanguard
Background Earthborn / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council No
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Alignment: Paragon 100%, Renegade 30%
Finished: All assignments complete

DLC: BDtS complete

Dialogue Personality: A wise-ass who generally does the right thing. Not a racist.
Mostly played through with Garrus and Liara, with Tali as a substitute.

All party members recruited
Wrex alive to the end
Tali, Wrex, and Garrus side quests complete

Feros colonists all survived/ All Feros side quests complete
Rachni Queen let free
Council abandoned, Capt Anderson for Council seat
Nassana's slaver sister killed
Bhatia's body given back to her husband
Generally neutral to Conrad, but warning him away from idolization
Helped out Emily Wong both times
Punched the tabloid reporter in the face
Scanned all Keepers

Name Chris Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-23 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Vanguard
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Got every single collection item in the game. Every one. Every SINGLE ONE. That's 34/20 Light metals, 36/20 Rare earths, 34/20 Heavy Metals, 10/6 Gas Deposits, 16/10 Asari Writings, 10/7 Prothean Data disks, 12/10 League of One medallions, 4/3 Salarian ID Tags, 17/13 Turian Insignias. I missed the spacer quest, and somehow I was unable to complete the BIG STUPID JELLYFISH quest, and I never bothered with Pinnacle station, but yes, I did every single quest in the game.

Bring Down the Sky and Pinnacle Station are installed.

Saved Rachni Queen

Took paragon path with Conrad

As said above, took paragon path on all quests including the Asari Diplomacy quest. Never talked to her first, instead talked to her after finding out about her sister

Did not allow experiments on Bhatia

Completed all Feros quests. Saved every single member of Zhu's Hope. Did not kill a single one.

Encouraged Garrus to be more paragon

Talked to all squadmates but mostly took Wrex and Tali to compliment my Vanguard.

999 omnigel and 9,999,999 cash (I think)

Name Chris Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-23 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Vanguard
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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100% Paragon
-Got every single collection item in the game. Every one. Every SINGLE ONE. That's 34/20 Light metals, 36/20 Rare earths, 34/20 Heavy Metals, 10/6 Gas Deposits, 16/10 Asari Writings, 10/7 Prothean Data disks, 12/10 League of One medallions, 4/3 Salarian ID Tags, 17/13 Turian Insignias. I missed the spacer quest, and somehow I was unable to complete the BIG STUPID JELLYFISH quest, and I never bothered with Pinnacle station, but yes, I did every single quest in the game.

Bring Down the Sky and Pinnacle Station are installed.

Saved Rachni Queen
Took paragon path with Conrad
As said above, took paragon path on all quests including the Asari Diplomacy quest. Never talked to her first, instead talked to her after finding out about her sister
Did not allow experiments on Bhatia
Completed all Feros quests. Saved every single member of Zhu's Hope. Did not kill a single one.

Encouraged Garrus to be more paragon
Picked Anderson for the Council seat
Talked to all squadmates but mostly took Wrex and Tali to compliment my Vanguard.
999 omnigel and 9,999,999 cash (I think)

Huge thanks to Gvaz for this Shepard!

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-23 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 50 Soldier
Background Earthborn / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Completed all quests except for mineral findings and signs of battle.
Chose Paragon endings to all quests, though I have max points in
Renegade as well.

Both DLC Installed

Saved Rachni Queen
Nice to Conrad
Asari Diplomacy Complete
Released Samir Bhatia's wife
Completed all of Zhu's hope and saved all civilians

Garrus is paragon
Anderson is in the council
All party members found

Let the Batarian Terrorist go and saved the hostages in BDTS. Kept the
Cereberus Data Disc with the Counsil, Let Tali keep a copy of the Geth
Data Disc. Also screwed the Asari Consort.

Many thanks to anti-hero for providing this Shepard!

Name John #8 Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-23 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 50 Infiltrator
Background Spacer / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council No
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Ambassador Udina
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Completed all the side quests except the Rachni bases.

Completed Bring Down the Sky - saved the hostages.
Pinnacle Station is not installed)

Conrad Verner (the Fan) - Treat him nicely and sent him home to Earth
Asari Diplomacy - cut a deal with Nassana to get Armali Council License (Bought)
Nirali Bhatia - returned body
Zhu's Hope: Completed the food/water/battery quests. Not sure if I saved all the brainwashed colonist son this save.

Encouraged Garrus to be more paragon
Mixed party
Captain Anderson - Sneak in to Udina Office to release Normandy
Citadel Council - not save (I chose the option to "Concentrate on Sovereign")
Abassador Udina: chairman of the council

Huge thanks to Dire_Shadow for this Shepard!

Name John #10 Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-24 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Adept
Background Earthborn / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Full Paragon & 10-20% Renegade
All Sidequest except the collector quests.
Most with Paragon Ending (Killed a few bad guys (Fist, the gang member, Dr.Saelon, ExoGeni Guy))

Completed Bring Down the Sky - saved the hostages
Pinnacle Station not completed

Saved the Council; Choose Anderson
Rachni Queen is alive
Treat Conrad Verner nicely (Paragon)
Asari Diplomacy - cut a deal with Nassana to get Armali Council License
Nirali Bhatia - returned body

Encouraged Garrus to be more renegade
Saved all Colonists and complete all Sidequests but killed the ExoGeni Guy
Kept the Cereberus Data
Let Tali keep a copy of the Geth Data Disc
Acquired all party members
9999999 Credits
Refused support for Terra Firma
Anoleis arrested
Convinced Corporal Toombs to be taken in for care and arrest Cerberus scientist
Convinced the feuding Petrovsky family to take the gene therapy
Refused Mallene's corporate espionage mission
Saved all civilians in Besieged Base
Convinced Major Kyle to stand down
Killed Helena Blake
Let Shiala live
Helped Parasini San and Quin to arrest Anoleios
Refused to help that Asari spy on the human genetics company
Let the asari scientist live

Name John #9 Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-24 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 55 Soldier
Background Earthborn / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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All sidequests, including "Bring Down the Sky" DLC, and gathering quests completed

Allowed that baatarian terrorist getting away in order to save the hostages in "Bring Down the Sky".
Pinnacle Station not completed.

Saved the Rachni Queen
Treated Conrad Verner nicely (Paragon)
Completed the UNC: Asari Diplomacy
Allowed the Alliance to experiment on Nirali Bhatia's body
Completed all Feros Zhu's Hope quests? No colonist killed.

Encouraged Garrus to be more Paragon-like.
Picked Anderson for a seat on the council.
Picked up all party members, only used Liara and Tali during most of the play.

-Gave the Cererbus info to the Shadow Broker, which may come in handy considering ME2's circumstances (Renegade).

Big thanks to GhoXen for sending in this Shepard!

Name John #12 Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-25 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Infiltrator
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Paragon (100%, absolutely -no- renegade)

Extreme Completion - all collectibles achieved, all missions completed, all upgrades/licenses, max credits/omnigel, extremely Paragon.

Bringing Down the Sky: YES (hostages saved, all landmarks explored, batarian 2nd in command released/saved)
Pinnacle Station: YES (all 12 holotrials comlpeted, Ahern's special mission completed, apartment gained/used)

Rachni Queen is alive
Conrad Verner was treated nicely (paragon) and convinced to go home to family on the third meeting.
Nassana's sister was slain, paragon/charm option taken
Nirali Bhatia's husband decided to allow tests (after a paragon/charm option, which was also a paragon choice)
Feros / Zhu's Hope was helped with water/food/power/tunnels, all 16 people saved

Garrus was encouraged to be more Paragon
Captain Anderson chosen for Council
Tali/Kaidan used the most, with Liara as backup.

Major Kyle peacefully saved, his cult unharmed/disbanded
Hanar Prophet (on Citadel) told to leave (paragon/charm, convinced it was giving enkindlers a bad reputation)
Asari Consort's trinket used on the Prothean artifact after clearing her reputation (memory flash from cro-magnon era)
Keepers scanned for Chorban (Jahleed and Chorban were later told to do it legally)
Rita's Sister, Jenna, saved and now works in Flux. Cheater's device turned in to the owner, as well.
Emily Wong helped both times (Fist's data, and C-Sec bug), and she was able to complete her stories.
Rogue AI on Citadel destroyed
Doctor Michel's blackmailer convinced to back off.
Helena Blake's gang disbanded at Sheppard's request (paragon/charm)
Mallene Callis' request on Noveria declined (paragon)
Administrator Anoleis arrested by Gianna Parasini, Lorik Qui'in testified at his trial (and is now administrator)
Helped Dr. Cohen cure the sick scientists of the toxin
"back" entrance used in Peak 15 to preserve the lives of as many people as possible
ExoGeni Manager on Feros convinced to fund the colony using "survived attack by geth ad campaign" paragon/charm option
Shiala, the asari captive of the Thorian, released and is helping Zhu's Hope.
Maximum amount of Salarian's saved from Vermire (including Rentola and Kerrahe) using as many Paragon actions as possible on the assault
Menos Avot, Ganto Imness, and pack of indoctrinated soldiers released from prison cells on Vermire
Rana Thanoptis allowed to live and run on Vermire
Captain Anderson took the "Udina's Office" option during lockdown
Saren convinced (paragon/charm) to reconsider and end his own life
Admiral Kohaku's Cerebus story arc completed, choosing NOT to hand over the data to the Shadow Broker
Chairman Burns saved from Biotic Terrorists, peacefully, and convinced to give reperations to L2 implantee's
Geth Data given to Tali to complete her pilgrimage
Corporal Toombs peacefully saved during hostage situation, and convinved to get help.
ALL scientists saved (no friendly-fire situations) during the Besieged Base incident on Chohe (Paragon-only assignment)
Space Module recovered without a single "Space Monkey" dying
Rear Admiral Mikhailovich fully charmed(paragon-options) upon inspection of Normandy
Zabaleta convinced to give up begging for booze money and go to the VAO (background quest)
Interview with Khalisah al-Jilani in C-Sec flawlessly paragon, with "cannot confirm or deny" to current assignment
Quarrel between Rebekah & Michael Petrovsky resolved with paragon/charm option to convince Michael that it's Rebekah's choice
Gavin Hossle's data recovered on Feros
Dr Saleon (aka Dr. Heart) slain on the MSV Fedele, Garrus convinced to go Paragon during incident, Dr. Saleon resisted arrest and was killed
Researcher's at ExoGeni's Nodacrux facility (with the Thorian Creepers) slain while resisting arrest, bribe not accepted (paragon choices)
Listening Post Alpha defended from Rogue Rachni, and Depot Sigma-23 destroyed
Did NOT support the Terra Firma (Earth First) movement on the Citadel
Fist was killed by Wrex.

Big thanks to Jinxy for sending in this Shepard!

Name Daniel Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-25 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 50 Adept
Background Colonist / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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100% Paragon with about 25% Renegade
Full Charm
Earned completionist achievement/ Most of assignments done except for mineral finding, signs of battle...
About 3.000.000 Cr.

Let the Batarian Terrorist go and saved the hostages in BDTS.
Pinnacle station installed

No completed romances - (NOTE: I have been told that this save actually romanced Liara.)

Saved Rachni Queen
Convinced Helena Blake to walk away from syndicate
All Feros side quests complete but i killed one or two colonists
Completed the Asary diplomacy and refused payment
Returned Nirali's body to her husband

Convinced Saren to kill himself
Picked Anderson for the Council
All party members recruited

All keepers scanned
Assisted Emily Wong both times
Kept Cerberus data for Alliance

Name John #13 Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-26 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 50 Soldier
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Completed all side quests (as far as I can tell) except as follows:

1. Was missing a few metals for the mineral gathering quest. Mako driving is boring.
2. Didn't manage to do the final step of UNC:Privateers because it would have required going back to the citadel to tell a dude his brother was dead after the citadel was locked down.
3. Somehow missed the 2nd part of the reporter quest where you have the option of planting a bug on the citadel. Just never saw her again after giving her the crime boss's data disc, so missed the follow-up somehow.
4. Did NOT get the little pendant thing from the Asari Consort and use it to unlock the visions on that one side planet, because I didn't know at the time that I needed to talk to the diplomat before talking to her to get it, and didn't want to go back and redo everything. So that's missing.

Bring Down the Sky and Pinnacle Station were both installed and fully completed.

Saved Ashley on Virmire (she was setting the nuke).
Romanced Liara, but played Ashley along to the point where they confront me about it.

Saved the Rachni Queen.
Treated Conrad nicely (paragon)
Completed UNC:Asari Diplomacy before ever even talking to Nassana, because I stumbled across it while exploring the planet.
Did not allow experiments on Nirali Bhatia's body.
Completed all side quests on Feros Zhu's Hope and saved all savable colonsits.
Completed pretty much every quest in the Paragony-ist way (i.e., taking people alive and talking them into surrendering/walking away when possible. Only exception is on Feros... didn't have high enough charm there yet and the head scientist dude had to be shot because I couldn't talk him into standing down.

Encouraged Garrus to be more Paragon-like.
Anderson helped the Normandy escape by punching out Udina.
Picked Anderson for the council seat.
Picked up all party members, but played almost exclusively with Liara and Tali. Talked to them all frequently.
Wrex killed the crime boss in Chora's Den, and Ashley/Shepherd chastised him for it.
Helped scan all the keepers.
Gave the gambler's "cheating" device to the owner of the Flux.
Turned in the smuggler on Noveria AND helped Lorik Qui'in. Administrator Anoleis was arrested. Gianna Parasini owes me a drink.

Name John #15 Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-27 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Soldier
Background Earthborn / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Level: 60, Insanity run, completed every quest with the exception of Banes (which was made impossible due to death of Admiral Kahoku,) including minerals / Insignias / Matriarch Writings, etc.
Achievements: All achievements acquired over the course of numerous playthroughs
Alignment: Paragon max'd out, tiny fraction of Renegade points (gained, as far as I remember, by not criticizing Wrex for killing Fist--picked Paragon endings to every quest)

Bring Down the Sky: Installed and completed, hostages saved, Batarian escaped
Pinnacle Station: Not installed, not played

Rachni Queen: Saved
Liara: Romanced
Conrad Verner: Paragon, convinced him to return to his wife
Asari Diplomacy: Completed, reward refused
Nirali Bhatia: Alliance allowed to conduct experiments
Feros: All colony quests completed, all colonists saved
Garrus: Encouraged to be Paragon
Anderson / Udina: Anderson chosen for council
Party members: All party members brought along

Big thanks to buroja for submitting this Shepard!

Name Donutsftw Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-27 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Infiltrator
Background Colonist / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Maxed Paragon (w/ some Renegade as well)

Completed virtually every quest in the game, including the resource-gathering ones.

Bring Down the Sky installed, Freed the hostages and allowed the terrorist to escape
Pinnacle Station not installed.

-Saved the Rachni Queen
-Was mean to Conrad Verner (I'm not sure about this, as I don't really remember. However, when I met him in ME2, he was kind of pissed at me, and mentioned me "sticking a gun in his face", so I guess I took the Renegade option)
-Completed Asari Diplomacy sidequest, took the weapon license as a reward
-Returned Nirali Bhatia's body to her husband
-Completed all of the Feros Zhu's Hope sidequest, saved all the brainwashed colonists, and let the asari clone remain and help the colony
-Convinced Toombs to testify against Cerberus
-Did not sell the info on Cerberus to the Shadow Broker
-Saved Chairman Burns from the biotic terrorists, and convinced him L2 biotics deserve reparations
-Convinced Major Kyle to give himself up peacefully
-Completed the sidequest on the moon (the one you have to be level 20 to get, where you destroy the three VI cores)
-Completed Wrex's, Garrus's, and Tali's sidequests
-Saved Talatha in "I remember me" sidequest
-Scanned all the keepers for Chorban
-Killed the crimelord for resisting arrest (I don't recall the name of this quest. You get approached by a woman in the Citadel, who asks you to kill two crimelords, then meet her on another planet where you can either kill her or let her go)
-Killed Dr. Saleon after he refused to give himself up (Paragon ending)
-Performed all the sabotage quests on Virmire, kept the Salarian Infiltration team alive

-Encouraged Garrus to be more Paragon-like
-Picked Anderson for the Council seat
-Had lots of credits (at least 200k, if not maxed out)

Big thanks to Donutsftw for submitting this Shepard!

Name Vinco Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-28 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Infiltrator
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Completionist: Nearly complete. Missed a few sides in the citadel doctor chain.

Bring Down the Sky installed
Pinnacle Station installed

Saved the Rachni Queen
Conrad Verner Paragon (Nicely)
Completed the UNC: Asari Diplomacy sidequest?
Chose to allow the Alliance to conduct experiments on Nirali Bhatia's body

Feros Zhu's Hope water/food/battery quests? Completed, no deaths.

encouraged Garrus to be more Paragon-Like
Anderson for a seat on the council
All Party members taken

Thanks to Vinco for submitting this Shepard!

Name Karplusan Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-28 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Soldier
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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(two playthroughs total for this savegame) (2nd playthrough earned the Insanity Achievement)
Max Credits. Loading this on ME2 will give maximum Experience and resources that you can start off with from an imported ME1 save.

Extreme Completion - all collectibles achieved, all missions
completed, max credits/omnigel, extremely Paragon.

Bringing Down the Sky: YES (hostages saved, all landmarks explored, batarian 2nd in command released/saved)
Pinnacle Station: No. Not installed.

Rachni Queen is alive
Conrad Verner was treated nicely (paragon) and convinced to go home to
family on the third meeting.
Nassana's sister was slain, paragon/charm option taken
Nirali Bhatia's husband decided to allow tests (after a paragon/charm
option, which was also a paragon choice)
Feros / Zhu's Hope was helped with water/food/power/tunnels, all 16 people saved

Garrus was encouraged to be more Paragon
Captain Anderson chosen for Council

Major Kyle peacefully saved, his cult unharmed/disbanded
Hanar Prophet (on Citadel) told to leave (paragon/charm, convinced it was giving enkindlers a bad reputation)
Asari Consort's trinket used on the Prothean artifact after clearing her reputation (memory flash from cro-magnon era)
Keepers scanned for Chorban (Jahleed and Chorban were later told to do it legally)
Rita's Sister, Jenna, saved and now works in Flux.
Cheater's device turned in to the owner, as well.
Emily Wong helped both times (Fist's data, and C-Sec bug), and she was able to complete her stories.
Rogue AI on Citadel destroyed
Doctor Michel's blackmailer convinced to back off.
Helena Blake's gang disbanded at Sheppard's request (paragon/charm)
Mallene Callis' request on Noveria declined (paragon)
Administrator Anoleis arrested by Gianna Parasini, Lorik Qui'in testified at his trial (and is now administrator)
Helped Dr. Cohen cure the sick scientists of the toxin "back" entrance used in Peak 15 to preserve the lives of as many people as possible
ExoGeni Manager on Feros convinced to fund the colony using "survived attack by geth ad campaign" paragon/charm option
Shiala, the asari captive of the Thorian, released and is helping Zhu's Hope.
Maximum amount of Salarian's saved from Vermire (including Rentola and Kerrahe) using as many paragon actions as possible on the assault
Menos Avot, Ganto Imness, and pack of indoctrinated soldiers released from prison cells on Vermire
Rana Thanoptis allowed to live and run on Vermire
Captain Anderson took the "Udina's Office" option during lockdown
Saren convinced (paragon/charm) to reconsider and end his own life
Admiral Kohaku's Cerebus story arc completed, choosing NOT to hand over the data to the Shadow Broker
Chairman Burns saved from Biotic Terrorists, peacefully, and convinced to give reparations to L2 implantee's
Geth Data given to Tali to complete her pilgrimage
Corporal Toombs peacefully saved during hostage situation, and convinced to get help.
ALL scientists saved (no friendly-fire situations) during the Besieged Base incident on Chohe (Paragon-only assignment)
Space Module recovered without a single "Space Monkey" dying
Rear Admiral Mikhailovich fully charmed(paragon-options) upon inspection of Normandy
Zabaleta convinced to give up begging for booze money and go to the VAO (background quest)
Interview with Khalisah al-Jilani in C-Sec flawlessly paragon, with "cannot confirm or deny" to current assignment

Quarrel between Rebekah & Michael Petrovsky resolved with paragon/charm option to convince ??? I really don't remember which one was followed. I might have chosen to undergo the gene therapy.
Don't remeber what became of the smuggler's goods from the Hanar Merchant in Novaria. I may have turned them in to Anolais, or I may have turned them in to the Hanar with the Paragon choice for extra

Gavin Hossle's data recovered on Feros
Dr Saleon (aka Dr. Heart) slain on the MSV Fedele, Garrus convinced to go Paragon during incident, Dr. Saleon took his own life.
Researcher's at ExoGeni's Nodacrux facility (with the Thorian
Creepers) slain while resisting arrest, bribe not accepted (paragon choices)
Listening Post Alpha defended from Rogue Rachni, and Depot Sigma-23 destroyed (Along with all known Rachni hives)
Did NOT support the Terra Firma (Earth First) movement on the Citadel
Fist was killed by Wrex.

Name John #17 Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-28 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 45 Soldier
Background Colonist / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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I did all side quests. And I also did not find every single mineral/insignia/matriarch. To my knowledge I explored every planet, but left some stuff on some planets behind, due to not having a tech savvy party member with me at the time.

Do you have Bring Down the Sky installed? No
Do you have Pinnacle Station installed? No

Saved the Rachni Queen
Conrad Verner treated nicely
Completed the UNC: Asari Diplomacy sidequest
Choose NOT to allow the Alliance to conduct experiments on Nirali Bhatia's body
Feros Zhu's Hope: I did all 3, and didnt kill anyone. A tleast none that i know of.

Encouraged Garrus to be more Paragon-Like
Captain Anderson on council
Took everyone along.

Nothing special about this Shephard.

Thanks to Akhellbinder for this Shepard!

Name John #20 Shepard
Date Added 2010-02-01 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Soldier
Background Spacer / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Ambassador Udina
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100% Paragon with about 15% Renegade
100% Completion (recives all bonuses upon import to ME2)

Bring Down the Sky:
Saved the hostages
Pinnacle Station:
Installed, but did not complete it (only uncompleted sidequest).

Turned Garrus Paragon
Gave Tali the geth data

Anoleis was arrested
Saved the Rachni Queen
Completed all quests
Saved all 16 colonists

Was nice to Conrad Verner
Purchased evangelical permit for the Presidium Prophet
Fist lived
Helena Blake disbanded her gang
Major Kyle was taken alive
Did Asari Diplomacy
Returned Bhatia's body to her husband

Big thanks to Velcro for submitting this Shepard!

Name John #20 Shepard
Date Added 2010-02-01 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Soldier
Background Spacer / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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100% Paragon with about 15% Renegade
100% Completion (recives all bonuses upon import to ME2)

Bring Down the Sky:
Saved the hostages
Pinnacle Station:
Installed, but did not complete it (only uncompleted sidequest).

Turned Garrus Paragon
Gave Tali the geth data

Anoleis was arrested
Saved the Rachni Queen
Completed all quests
Saved all 16 colonists

Was nice to Conrad Verner
Purchased evangelical permit for the Presidium Prophet
Fist lived
Helena Blake disbanded her gang
Major Kyle was taken alive
Did Asari Diplomacy
Returned Bhatia's body to her husband

Big thanks to Velcro for submitting this Shepard!

Name John #20 Shepard
Date Added 2010-02-01 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Soldier
Background Spacer / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council No
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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100% Paragon with about 15% Renegade
100% Completion (recives all bonuses upon import to ME2)

Bring Down the Sky:
Saved the hostages
Pinnacle Station:
Installed, but did not complete it (only uncompleted sidequest).

Turned Garrus Paragon
Gave Tali the geth data

Anoleis was arrested
Saved the Rachni Queen
Completed all quests
Saved all 16 colonists

Was nice to Conrad Verner
Purchased evangelical permit for the Presidium Prophet
Fist lived
Helena Blake disbanded her gang
Major Kyle was taken alive
Did Asari Diplomacy
Returned Bhatia's body to her husband

Big thanks to Velcro for submitting this Shepard!

Name Malcolm #2 Shepard
Date Added 2010-02-02 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Vanguard
Background Colonist / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Alignment: 100% Paragon, ~10% Renegade.

-All Missions and Assignments completed
-All Party Members Obtained
-All Codex Entries Obtained
-Best Weaponry & Armor (Some Armor via Console)
-Rich (More money starting in ME2)

-Bring Down the Sky: Yes, Paragon Outcome
-Pinnacle Station: Yes, Completed

Feros: Jung was not convinced to fund colony. (Seemingly no affect on ME2)
Shiala lived
-Noveria: Got Lorik to Testify, Anoleis Arrested
-Romance: Liara, Complete
-Rachni Queen: Alive
-Conrad: Completed, Paragon Route
-Asari Diplomacy: Completed, Paragon Route
-Helena Blake: Alive, Dissuaded from crime
-Bahtia: Wife's body returned, Paragon Route (Seemingly no affect on ME2)
-Garrus: Encouraged Paragon Route
-Tali: Retrieved Geth Data
-Council: Alive
-Council Seat: Anderson

Thanks to ShyOblivion for sending in this Shepard!

Name John #24 Shepard
Date Added 2010-02-07 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Engineer
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Partial completionist, did every quest and initiated every dialog that could reward paragon or renegade points, no
collection quests completed.
100% Paragon, 0% Renegade

Bring Down the Sky installed and Balak allowed to leave to save hostages.

Pinnacle Station not installed.

Saved the Rachni Queen.
Nice to Conrad Verner.
Completed UNC: Asari Diplomacy.
Nirali Bhatia's body returned to Samesh Bhatia.
Completed all Zhu's Hope sidequests. Saved all the colonists and saved the colony via Charming Ethan Jeong.

Encouraged Garrus to be Paragon.
Picked Anderson for a seat on the Council.
Played with Liara and Ashley for most of the game with the exception of Wrex's quest and Garrus' quest.

Huge thanks to BarryMc for this Shepard!

Name John #28 Shepard
Date Added 2010-02-13 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 50 Adept
Background Earthborn / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council No
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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saren killed self

- Rich Yes

- Dr. Chloe Michel blackmailer: Persuaded
- Asari Consort sidequest: Done. Got the trinket.
- Interview outcome: Apologize ? I had the interview with the reporter who doesn't like you, I used all paragon options
- Had first conversation with The Fan (Conrad Verner): Yes
- The Fan last conversation outcome: Paragon(Stay at home)
- Harkin talked to: Yes (tied in to Garrus recruitment)
- Accepted quest from Chorban to scan Keepers: Yes
- Number of Keepers scanned: 21 (all)
- Jahleed quest outcome: (Chorban) Scared off, continued to do scans.
- Fist outcome Let go
- Old Friends quest (Earthborn background ONLY), talked to Finch: Yes
- Old Friends quest (Earthborn background ONLY), Finch killed: No
- Citadel: Citadel: I Remember Me (Colonist background ONLY), Talitha talked down - Citadel: Homecoming Body returned to Samesh: Yes
- Schnells the Salarian gambler his data. Gave him the data
- Reporter's Request Handed over data to the reporter: Yes
- Helena Blake: (UNC:Hostile Takeover) Convinced to give up crime.

- The company man (Ethan Jeong): Used charm to convince him.
- Number of colonists killed: none
- Possessed Asari (Shiala(Thorian plant)): Freed

- Gianna Helped: evidence handed over
- Han Olar talked to: Yes
- Rachni Queen released: Yes

- Geth Flyers disabled: Yes
- Psyrana dead: No (Asari assistant in one of the labs let go or not inside the facility) Alive

- Old Council: Killed
- Choice for new council: Anderson
- Game complete: Yes

- Know about Slaver Asari quest: Yes
- Slaver Asari quest outcome (Killed Sister): Yes
- UNC: Lost Module - the silver sphere you find on that planet that has 3 pages of text: Done.
- UNC: Cerberus Heard of Cerberus: Yes (ie did you do UNC: Missing Marines leading to this quest or not.
- UNC: Hades' Dogs Cerberus files found. Not sure what is tracked, probably if you returned them or gave to the Shadow Broker. Did not give them to the shadow broker.
- UNC: Hostage Chairman died: No Chairman is alive.
- UNC: Dead Scientists Killed: Convinced Corporal Toombs to lower weapon

DLC (Bring Down the Sky):
- Humans rescued: Yes

Note from Annakie: The submitter of this save did not think he did a romance, ME2 considers Liara romanced. Save has been moved to reflect this.

Name John #29 Shepard
Date Added 2010-02-13 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 50 Adept
Background Earthborn / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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- Rich Yes

Garrus: Paragon
Tali side quest: done, gave her the data

- Dr. Chloe Michel blackmailer: Persuaded
- Asari Consort sidequest: Done. Got the trinket.
- Interview outcome: Apologize ? I had the interview with the reporter who doesn't like you, I used all paragon options
- Had first conversation with The Fan (Conrad Verner): Yes
- The Fan last conversation outcome: Paragon(Stay at home)
- Harkin talked to: Yes (tied in to Garrus recruitment)
- Accepted quest from Chorban to scan Keepers: Yes
- Number of Keepers scanned: 21 (all)
- Jahleed quest outcome: (Chorban) Scared off, continued to do scans.
- Fist outcome Let go
- Old Friends quest (Earthborn background ONLY), talked to Finch: Yes
- Old Friends quest (Earthborn background ONLY), Finch killed: No
- Citadel: Citadel: I Remember Me (Colonist background ONLY), Talitha talked down - Citadel: Homecoming Body returned to Samesh: Yes
- Schnells the Salarian gambler his data. Gave him the data
- Reporter's Request Handed over data to the reporter: Yes
- Helena Blake: (UNC:Hostile Takeover) Convinced to give up crime.

- The company man (Ethan Jeong): Used charm to convince him.
- Number of colonists killed: none
- Possessed Asari (Shiala(Thorian plant)): Freed

- Gianna Helped: evidence handed over
- Han Olar talked to: Yes
- Rachni Queen released: Yes

- Geth Flyers disabled: Yes
- Psyrana dead: No (Asari assistant in one of the labs let go or not inside the facility) Alive

- Old Council: Saved
- Choice for new council: Anderson
- Game complete: Yes

- Know about Slaver Asari quest: Yes
- Slaver Asari quest outcome (Killed Sister): Yes
- UNC: Lost Module - the silver sphere you find on that planet that has 3 pages of text: Done.
- UNC: Cerberus Heard of Cerberus: Yes (ie did you do UNC: Missing Marines leading to this quest or not.
- UNC: Hades' Dogs Cerberus files found. Not sure what is tracked, probably if you returned them or gave to the Shadow Broker. Did not give them to the shadow broker.
- UNC: Hostage Chairman died: No Chairman is alive.
- UNC: Dead Scientists Killed: Convinced Corporal Toombs to lower weapon

DLC (Bring Down the Sky):
- Humans rescued: Yes

(Annakie note: A user wrote in to tell me this ME2 considers Shepard in a romance with Liara, and I have updated the character as such.)

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2010-02-21 23:09:12
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Adept
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Ambassador Udina
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I've completed all side quests (except Negotiation (because it requires 80% renegade)), but didn't bother myself collecting stuff.

In Bring Down the Sky I've saved workers.
No Pinnacle Station.

-Saved Kaidan
-Romance Liara
-Wrex survived Virmire
-Have both char files for council
-Saved the Rachni Queen
-Treat Conrad Verner nicely
-Completed the Asari Diplomacy

Saved cloned Asari
Hepled Parasini
Helena Blake retaired

Thanks to Nerevar17 for sending in this Shepard!

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2010-02-21 23:10:36
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Adept
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council No
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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I've completed all side quests (except Negotiation (because it requires 80% renegade)), but didn't bother myself collecting stuff.

In Bring Down the Sky I've saved workers.
No Pinnacle Station.

-Saved Kaidan
-Romance Liara
-Wrex survived Virmire
-Have both char files for council
-Saved the Rachni Queen
-Treat Conrad Verner nicely
-Completed the Asari Diplomacy

Saved cloned Asari
Hepled Parasini
Helena Blake retaired

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2010-02-26 21:05:51
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 50 Infiltrator
Background Earthborn / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Almost every side quest completed, Signs of battle and Minerals left open.

No Bring Down the Sky, had activation issues.
No Pinnacle Station.

Saved rachni queen.
Conrad treated nicely (paragon).
Asari diplomacy completed.

Left the Thorian asari (Shiala) alive.
Helped Parasini on Noveria.
Completed Helena Blake quest, left her alive.
Fist died.

100% paragon, a little renegade. Face is default Shepard. The save is on Citadel Exterior Defense Grid, just before you enter the council chambers to fight Saren.

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2010-03-17 09:54:58
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Vanguard
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Completed every assignment (including collection assignments).

Bring Down The Sky installed and hostages saved.

Pinnacle Station installed and top scores on every challenge.

Saved the Rachni Queen.
Conrad told to go home.
UNC: Asari Diplomacy done.
Shiala was spared.
Helped Parasini in her investigation.
Helena Blake allowed to go.
Fist got killed by Wrex (he was just doing his job :D)
Nirali Bhatia's body sent home.

This Shepard was submitted by Erdenesaikhan, yours truly from Mongolia.

Name Thomas Shepard
Date Added 2010-03-22 18:45:26
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 50 Soldier
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Maxed out Paragon points, none in Renegade as far as I remember (or can be seen in the bar). Took all up-right options, completed all side quests apart from League of One and Prothean Data Disks. No DLC installed or played.

Convinced Garrus to play by the rules, saved the Rachni queen, treated Conrad Verner nicely, completed UNC: Asari Diplomacy, let the Thorian's Asari live, kept the Noveria colony functioning (no arrests), convinced Helena Blake to clean up her act, killed Fist, let the Alliance experiment on Nirali Bhatia, and any other conversations took the Persuade route.

Submitted by Thomas Hoare, on his first playthrough, albeit through some use of Quicksave if I didn't have enough Persuade points at the time.

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2010-05-13 17:23:32
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 50 Soldier
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Completionist - All Collection Quests completed. All planets visited and all side quests completed.

100% Paragon. No Renegade points whatsoever.

Encouraged Garrus to be Paragon.

Saved Cptn. Kirahhe and his group on Virmire.

Bring Down The Sky not installed.
Pinnacle Station not installed

Saved Rachni Queen
Treated Conrad Verner nicely.

Asari Diplomacy Quest completed. Found Nassana's sister first then persuaded her to allow me to buy Asari Equipment at stores.

Thorian enslaved Asari clone allowed to live.

Helped Parasini arrest Anoleis (Lorik Qu'in testified).

Let Helena Blake live and disbanded her gang.

Allowed Fist to live.

Released Nirali Bhatia's body from Alliance custody.

Reached Maximum Credits: 9 999 9999

This Shephard was submitted by Paul Sebeikin

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2010-06-26 16:49:03
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 58 Vanguard
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Completionist Paragon Shepard.

All assignments completed, including the gathering ones.

Always chose paragon options, 100 % Paragon and 0 % Renegade.

No DLCs installed.

Rachni queen saved.

Verner treated nicely (Paragon).

Asari Dilpmacy completed.

Thorian Asari alive.

Helped Parasini arrest Anolias.

Helena Blake alive and "set straight".

Fist alive.

Nirali Bhatia's body returned to husband.

No save file, though the last choice doesn't matter anyways since you can correct Anderson/Udina in ME2.

Name Baker Shepard
Date Added 2010-07-22 16:25:43
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 42 Engineer
Background Colonist / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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I was a bit of a "Speed Run" but I did some side quests

Bring Down the Sky installed
- Didn't do it
Pinnacle Station installed
-Didn't do it too

-Saved the Rachni Queen
-Treated Conrad Nicely
-Completed the UNC: Asari Diplomacy sidequest
-Let the cloned Asari at the Thorian to live(felt sorry for her)
-On Noveria, I did not arrest him
-Did not do Helena Blake live's quest
-Fist died due to Wrex's anger I guess
-Gave Nirali Bhatia's body back to her husband

Submitted by Marwan

Enjoy the save :D

Name Maro Shepard
Date Added 2010-07-27 16:34:31
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 52 Soldier
Background Colonist / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Finished every Side Mission and Primary Missions

Bring Down the Sky installed
-Saved the workers and letting Balak escape
Pinnacle Station installed
-Been first in all simulations even the 4 unlocked ones

-Released the Rachni Queen
-Treated Conrad all with Paragon and convinced him to stay home(Paragon)
-Did the UNC: Asari Diplomacy sidequest
-At the Thorian I let the Asari Clone stay alive and DIDN'T kill the colonists(all 16 alive)
-On Noveria, Parasini arrested Analoas(or whatever his name is)
-I let Helena Blake live and convinced her to walk away from her gang(paragon)
-Fist is alive(didn't have Wrex with me this time)
-Gave Nirali Bhatia's body back to Samesh

- Rich Yes (has reached ME MAX money which is the 999999999 with no cheats at all!)

- Full Paragon bar and NONE renegade
- Paragon/Renegade points
- Colonist childhood
- Reputation choice War Hero
- Purchased Elkoss Carbine license.
- Purchased ALL LICENSES

Party Members:
- Garrus recruited Yes
- Wrex recruited Yes
- Garrus is Paragon
- Tali side quest done Yes
- Romanced someone Yes
- Romanced Liara

- Dr. Chloe Michel blackmailer Convinced to leave her alone(paragon
- Asari Consort sidequest done Yes
- Got Trinklet from Consort
- Interview outcome Done interview and all paragon so its kewl :P
- Had first conversation with The Fan (Conrad Verner) Yes
- The Fan last conversation outcome Paragon(Stay at home))
- Harkin talked to (Maybe I did )
- Accepted quest from Chorban to scan Keepers Yes
- 21/21 = ALL
- Jahleed quest outcome (Chorban) Told Jahleed that I am scanning the Keepers with Chorban and he and Chorban are cool again.
- Fist outcome Let g
- Citadel: Citadel: I Remember Me (Colonist background ONLY), Talitha talked down from killing herself Yes and I Convinced Talitha to take the sedative
- Samesh got his Wife's body back and gave Schells the Salarian the gambling data :)
- Helena Blake Alive and treated nicely to leave the gang

Feros: - Joang died due to not having Enough Paragon....
- Number of colonists killed = 0
- Colony outcome Good+
- Possessed Asari (Shiala(Thorian plant)) Freed

- Talked to Parasini first before Lorik and convinced Lorik to testify and got Anloas arrested :D
- Han Olar talked to "Don't Remember"
- Rachni Queen released = Yes

- Wrex left to live :)
- Geth Flyers disabled = yes
- Psyrana the Asari assistant left to live :)
- Rescued Ashley

- Old Council = Saved
- Choice for new council = Anderson(Who the hell chooses Udina?)
- Game complete = Yes

Other Notes(must read):
- Shepard's face is the original Mass Effect face
-Character File level is 52
-Save file level is 50
-Save file is before going to Ilos

This save was submitted by Marwan the Egyptian

Name Max Shepard
Date Added 2011-10-27 06:46:10
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 50
Background Earthborn / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Finished all side missions including the Minerals/insignia/matriarch writings.

Passed through every planet in the game's universe (yes. one by one, solar system after solar system)

Bring down the sky installed and completed, saved the workers.

pinnacle station installed and completed.

-Saved Rachni queen
-Convinced conrad to go back to his house (paragon)
-Asari diplomacy completed
-Thorian asari is alive
-Helped Parasini arrest Anolias
-Helena Blake is alive
-Killed Fist
-Convinced the alliance to give Nirali Bhatia's body back to her husband

Equipment full spectre weapons

This Shepard was submitted by Maninhell

Name Ben Shepard
Date Added 2011-10-30 15:13:33
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Submitted by: TUHD

WARNING: Bring down the Sky and Pinnacle Station were used, you will need those 2 DLC on your own Mass Effect 1 if you want to import this save.

- Completed every collection assignment
- Explored every system and planet
- Did (except for the Renegade assignment) all the missions and assignments
- Completely Paragon

- Saved the Council
- Saved the Rachni Queen
- Convinced Wrex to see it Shephard's way
- Sacrificed Ashley
- Helped Lieutenant Zabaleta and convinced him to seek help from the VAO

- Helped Gianna Parasini
- Ensured the colonists on Feros stayed alive
- Let Shiala on Feros (the one who was the 'model' for the Asari Clone) live
- Allowed Rana Thanoptis (the asari doctor) to live
- Treated Conrad Verner nicely (Paragon)
- Completed Asari Diplomacy
- Gained the Elkos Combine license
- Gave Tali the Geth data
- Convinced Helena Blake to disband the gang
- Fist was allowed to run away and stay alive
- Returned Nirali Bhatia's body to her husband, no expirements done
- Helped Chorban and Jaleed with scanning the Keepers
- Did all the Cerberus-related assignments
- Convinced Major Kyle to let the Cerberus scientist live

- Helped Garrus with his assignment
- Gave Wrex the armor of his grandfather
- Helped the consort out (2 quests total) without asking any reward, gained and used the trinket
- Dr. Michel's blackmailer got backed off through Paragon persuasion
- Convinced the Hanar Presidium Prophet to gain a license and preach somewhere else
- Helped out Emily Wong - twice
- Convinced Chellick to release Jenna early from her assignment and finished the job without blowing the cover
- Gave Schell's tool to Doran
- Convinced Michael Petrovsky to let Rebekah decide what's best for her (future) baby
- Convinced through Paragon Rear Admiral Mikhailovich of the use of the way the Normandy is build
- Talked to Khalisah Al-Jilani, was Paragonish
- Didn't agree with Terra Firma but was Paragonish in the talk
- Told the alliance negiotiator to get help against his drug addiction
- Saved Chairman Burns from pissed-off L2 Biotics
- Kept all the drugged scientists alive in the Paragon assignment
- Helped the Feros colonists with all their assignments (food, water, electricity, safety)
- Kept Kirrahe's team alive on Virmire

- Saved the engineers on X57, let Balak and Charn go
- Completed Pinnacle Station, did all the challenges and gained a nice retirement house (Shephard, retirement, really?)

Name Bugra Shepard
Date Added 2012-01-01 10:14:18
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 50
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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My shepard was a completionist.
All mineral/Insignia/Matriarch Writings side quests done.
All planets explored, all planet sidequests done.
Bring down the sky finished. I rescued the workers.
Pinnacle station installed. I finished all pinnacle quests including special quest.
I saved rachni queen
I treated conrad nicely
I completed asari diplomacy quest
I let the cloned asari near thorian to live.
I helped parasini on noveria to arrest anoleis.
I let helena blake live
Fist died (wrex killed him, before i can arrest him. oops!)
I allowed alliance to experiment on Nirali Bhatia's body

I tried to be the ultimate hero, so i always used paragon routes.

Name Lazarus Shepard
Date Added 2012-01-30 22:30:30
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 50
Background Colonist / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Was more of a speed run Shepard, never finished mineral/Insignia/Matriarch Writings gathering sidequests.

On Noveria, saved the Rachni from a second extinction.

On the Citadel, gave Conrad Verner an autograph and nothing more.

On the Citadel, I chose to ignore Nassana Dantius' message.

On Feros, I let the Asari who was cloned live to aid the colonists at Zhu's Hope.

On Noveria, Anoleis was not arrested and Parasini was not killed.

On the Citadel, I never spoke to Helena Blake.

On the Citadel, Fist died.

Niralia Bhatia's body was returned to her husband.

Name Spirit Shepard
Date Added 2012-03-05 10:12:05
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 57
Background Earthborn / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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100% Paragon, about 1% Renegade. Completed every quest,every side quest, including 1 gathering(3 others not completed) quest completed.

Has Bring Down the Sky
Does not have Pinnacle Station

Saved Ashley on Virmire
Saved Wrex on Virmire
Let Rana go on Virmire

Helped Parasini arrest Anolais
Saved the Rachni Queen

All Feros quests completed
Let the Asari go

I killed Fist before Wrex
ALL keepers FOUND!
Most of citadel quest completed.

Major Kyle, Hostage ended with no losses
Persuaded Helena Blake to disband
ExoGeni Facility scientists, Cerebus scientist killed with Toombs alive
Completed Asari Diplomacy side quest

Saved the Council

Party Stuff:
Got all Companions
Was nice to all Party members

Name Michal Shepard
Date Added 2012-03-16 12:00:38
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 50
Background Colonist / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council No
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Ambassador Udina
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Most assignments done, all collections completed. Paragon bar nearly maxed, renegade at 6/16 bars, mixed decisions.

- Bring Down the Sky NOT installed
- Pinnacle Station NOT installed

- Wrex got his family armor
- Tali got the geth data
- Garrus killed dr Saleon; encouraged to be more renegade
- Got "Rich" achievement
- Got Elkoss Combine license

- Conrad Verner intimidated
- Fist killed by Wrex
- Helped the Asari Consort, used trinket on Eletania
- Openly answered questions during the interview, no punching or walking away
- Doctor Michel's blackmailer killed
- Let the Alliance run tests on Bhatia's body
- Talked Talitha down, let her use sedatives
- Scanned the keepers

- All Zhu's Hope quests completed
- Ethan Jeong killed
- All colonists saved
- Shiala spared

- Rachni Queen saved
- Helped Gianna Parasini; Lorik testified against Anoleis
- Talked to Han Olar
- Liara talked to Benezia

- Kirrahe and his squad survived
- Rana Thanoptis spared

- UNC:Hostage - biotics intimidated to surrender, chairman Burns survived
- UNC:Hostile Takeover - Helena Blake spared, let her run syndicate
- UNC:Dead Scientists - Toombs killed the Cerberus scientist then comitted suicide
- UNC:Asari Diplomacy - talked to Nassana first, killed Dhalia, got Armali license
- UNC:Hades' Dogs - Cerberus files forwarded to Shadow Broker
- UNC:Besieged Base - terrorists killed, all scientists survived

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2012-04-14 16:10:53
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 56
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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- Standard Shepard face
- Bonus skill: Electronics
- Specialization: Bastion

- Full Paragon, Completionist playthrough:
* 100% quests done (Pinnacle Station excluded)
* All Minerals / Insignia's / Writings / Medals gathered
* Maxed out Credits and Omni-Gel

- Bring down the Sky installed and completed:
* Allowed Balak's Lieutenant to get away
* Saved workers

- Pinnacle stations installed, however not 100% completed

- Saved Rachni Queen
- Treated Conrad Verner nicely
- Completed UNC: Asari Diplomacy sidequest
- Saved Asari clone at Thorian
- Helped Parasini at Noveria
- Convinced Helena Blake to give up her life of crime, after taking down her competition
- Fist died (Wrex killed him)
- Retrieved Nirali Bhatia's body from the alliance
- Convinced Exo-Geni to invest in Zhu's Hope (charm)
- Retrieved Exo-Geni data from the console
- Captain Kirrahe survived Virmire
- Saved all 16 posessed Zhu's Hope residents
- Solved Martin Burns' abduction peacefully
- Got the biotic cult leader to turn himself in peacefully
- Convinced Tombs to take the Cerberus scientists into custody
- Saved all of the drugged scientists
- Killed the Exo-Geni scientist after they tried a bribe to get away from their Thorian crimes (side-quest)
- Sold the Cerberus data to the Shadow Broker
- Allowed Garrus to gun down the doctor
- Convinced Garrus to be more renegade
- Handed Geth data to Tali
- Retrieved Wrex' armor

Submitted by: Weazle83

Name Erik Shepard
Date Added 2012-11-25 15:58:08
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Earthborn / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Ambassador Udina
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Completed Bring Down the Sky (let Balak go).

Pinnacle Station not installed.

Released the Rachni queen.

Treated Conrad nicely.

Spared the Thorian's cloned asari.

Helped Parasini arrest Anoleis.

Fist died.

Gave Nirali Bhatia's body back to her husband.

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2012-12-20 13:47:56
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 50
Background Earthborn / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Full Paragon bar,something in renegade bar,but only a little.
Not Completionsit,i found all matriarch dilinga writings,but that's all,some quest i did,Wrex's and Garrus's quest completed,garrus convinced to be paragon.

Bring Down the Sky: No
Pinnacle Station: No

Rachni Queen alive
Conrad was sent home with Paragon response
UNC: Asari Diplomacy completed,Paragon response
Returned Nirali's body to her husband (Ashley didn't talked to him)
Completed all of the Feros sidequests. All 16 colonists alive.

Chose Anderson for Council
Acquired all party members.
Helped out Emily Wong both times
I didn't scan keepers

I think that is all.

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2012-12-24 02:56:39
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Earthborn / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Note: Pinnacle Station was NOT installed.

Alignment: Paragon (zero renegade points earned).

Completion: Four collection assignments were left incomplete. Those were: 'UNC: Prothean Data Discs', 'UNC: Turian Insignias', 'UNC: Valuable Minerals', 'UNC: Locate Signs of Battle'. ***Note that 'UNC: Asari Writings' was completed.***

All licenses were purchased.

X57: Bring Down the Sky: Kate and the other hostages were saved.

Noveria: Peak 15: The Rachni Queen was allowed to live.

Noveria: Getting a Garage Pass: Anoleis was arrested.

Feros: Destroy The Thorian: Shiala was allowed to live.

Virmire: Wrex and the Genophage: Wrex was allowed to live.

Citadel: Exposing Saren: Fist was killed by Wrex.

Citadel: The Fan: Only polite dialogue options were used with Conrad Verner.

UNC: Asari Diplomacy: Completed. Armali Council License obtained.

UNC: Hostile Takeover: Helena Blake was allowed to live on the condition that the syndicate was shutdown.

Other comments:

The trinket, gained in �Citadel: Asari Consort�, was not used at the Prothean ruin on Eletania.

Feros: Geth Attack: Jeong was convinced that not all was lost. He was allowed to live.

Feros: The Thorian: No colonists were killed.

Noveria: Smuggling: Opold�s package was given to Anoleis.

Noveria: Peak 15: Han Olar was NOT talked to.

Virmire: Assault: Thanoptis was allowed to live.

Virmire: Assisting Kirrahe�s Team: Kirrahe and his team survived their frontal assault on Saren�s research facility.

Citadel: Jahleed�s Fears: Jahleed agreed to give the data back to Chorban.

Citadel: Doctor Michel is Safe: The Krogan blackmailer chose to abandon his plans.

Citadel: Homecoming: The body of Nirali was returned to Samesh.

Citadel: Old Friends: The Turian guard was alerted. The charm option was used to demoralize Finch from continuing his plans.

Citadel: Presidium Prophet: The Turian guard was dissuaded from interfering with the preaching Hanar, because the guard himself admitted that no complaints had been made.

Citadel: Schells the Gambler: The scanner was given to Doran without being used.

Citadel: Family Matter: Michael was convinced to let Rebekah make her own choice regarding gene therapy.

Citadel: Snap Inspection: Admiral Mikhailovich was convinced that that his report needed to be much less negative than he had intended.

Citadel: The Fourth Estate: Only polite dialogue options were used with Al-Jilani. Charm options were used when available. No comment was given as to her �rogue Spectre� question.

Citadel: Negotiator�s Request: Keeler was told that he was an addict, and that he needed help.

Citadel: Our Own Worst Enemy: Saracino was informed that he had not won my vote.

UNC: Hades� Dogs: Information was not leaked to the Shadow Broker.

UNC: Dead Scientists: Toombs was dissuaded from injuring Dr. Wayne.

UNC: ExoGeni Facility: Dr. Ross and her team were killed, as they refused the proposition of being tried by a jury.

UNC: Major Kyle: Kyle was convinced that his actions were not in the best interest of his people. He surrendered.

UNC: Hostage: The terrorists surrendered; pending reparations for the suffrage of L2 biotics.

UNC: Lost Freighter: Jacob�s life support was terminated.

UNC: Besieged Base: No scientists were killed.


Ninety eight hours were logged on the final save, made prior to the encounter with Saren. It includes: a Colossus X set for each party member; HMW X weapons for a variety of load-outs for each party member; medical exoskeleton X's for each Colossus X set; six shield interface X's and six energized plating X's to allow for different tactics; scram rail X's for each HMW X weapon; shredder VII, tungsten VII, and polonium VII upgrades for six weapons simultaneously; and three savant X biotic amps (omni-tools don't carry over between multiple play-throughs).

Submitted by ElectroRed.

Name Alex Shepard
Date Added 2012-12-28 23:07:03
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Completionist run, all assignments completed EXCEPT UNC: The Negotiation, as this required 80% Renegade. This character has 100% Paragon, no Renegade choices or responses were taken.

Collection: All minerals, writings, insignias, data discs, etc. have been obtained.

Bring Down the Sky Installed:
Balak spared to save colonists

Pinnacle Station Installed:
All simulations completed at rank #1, apartment obtained

Saved the Rachni Queen
Helped Parasini arrest Anolias on Noveria

Spared Thorian Asari, saved all 16 colonists

Chose Paragon options with Conrad Verner
Let Fist live
Completed UNC: Asari Diplomacy
Let Helene Blake live, charmed to disband
Let the Alliance keep Nirali Bhatia's body
Saved the Council

Assisted Kirrahe's team
Sacrificed Kaidan
Talked Wrex down

Obtained all party members
Encouraged Garrus to be Paragon
Romanced Liara

Paragon/Renegade: Took the top-right option whenever available, charmed whenever available. Complete paragon completionist runthrough.

Name Jakob Shepard
Date Added 2013-02-03 19:23:44
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Colonist / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Completionist; every sidequest completed, including collections. Almost 100% paragon, though a couple exceptions (noted below), mostly was just nice to everyone. Garrus was encouraged to be paragon.

Has Bring Down the Sky
Does not have Pinnacle Station

Saved Ashley on Virmire
Saved Wrex on Virmire
Let Rana go on Virmire

All sidequests completed
Paragon persuaded Jeong to fund colony (used middle, movie rights option)
Asari was spared to help out Zhu's Hope

Smuggled weapons in for Opold (paragon persuade for more money)
Helped Parasini arrest Anoleis (paragon persuaded Lorik Quiin)
Saved the Rachni Queen
Brought Liara

Bring Down the Sky:
Let Balak go to save hostages
Found all dead engineers

Played through in this order: Citadel missions, UNC missions, Therum, Feros, Noveria, Bring Down the Sky, Virmire.

Citadel Side Quests Results:
Presidium Prophet - paragon persuaded officer
Asari Consort - paragon persuaded the General to shape up
Xeltan's Complaint - cleared the Consort's name and comforted him
The Fan - cooperated with Conrad; paragon persuaded him to give up on being a spectre
Scan the Keepers - scanned all Keepers
Jahleed's Fears - paragon persuaded Jahleed to cooperate with Chorban
Reporter's Request - paragon persuaded her to give more money; Fist was spared
Rita's Sister - paragon persuaded to get her out of the business; did the mission anyway and traded with the Krogan without incident
Homecoming - paragon persuaded Sameh to allow his wife's body to be used for research; brought Ashley along
Doctor Michel - paragon persuaded the Krogan to leave her alone
Signal Tracking - stopped slef destruct sequence fairly soon
Schells the Gambler - helped out Schells
Family Matters - paragon persuaded Rebekah to help the kid with gene therapy
The Fourth Estate - paragon responses to all except last question; said "I can't confirm or deny" to last question about Saren
Asari Diplomacy - paragon persuaded to get Asari license
Planting a Bug - planted bug
Our Own Worst Enemy - didn't support him on the grounds that Alliance employees shouldn't endorse political candidates
Negotiator's Request - paragon persuaded him to give up on getting his stimulant
I Remember Me - let her tranquilize herself

UNC Side Quests Results:
Missing Survey Team - completed
Hostile Takeover - paragon persuaded Helena to give up on life of crime
Hostage - paragon persuaded biotics to surrender peacefully; Burns is re-examining decision
Missing Marines - completed
Espionage Probe - completed
Colony of The Dead - completed
ExoGeni Facility - refused to accept bribe money
Privateers - completed
Roque VI - completed
Cerberus - completed
Hades' Dogs - chose to share info on Cerberus because he'll do more with it than Alliance
Derelict Freighter - completed
Lost Freighter - took him off life support
Geth Incursions - completed and got info for Tali
Lost Module - completed
Depot Sigma-23 - completed
Listening Post Alpha - completed
Listening Post Theta - completed
Besieged Base - no innocents killed
The Negotiation - Darius killed
Locate Signs of Battle - found more than necessary
Turian Insignias - found more than necessary
Valuable Minerals - found more than necessary
Prothean Data Discs - found more than necessary
Asari Writings - found more than necessary

Squad Member Side Quests Results:
Tali: Tali's Pilgrimage - gave Tali data
Garrus: Find Dr. Saleon - got Garrus to restrain himself
Wrex: Family Armor - gave it to him and he backed down on Virmire

This Shepard was submitted by mastajake

Name Johny Shepard
Date Added 2013-04-07 09:14:01
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 57
Background Earthborn / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Alignment: Full Paragon - chose all paragon dialog choices. 90% Missions and Assignments completed. Most achievements unlocked, except for Ally achievements.

Bring Down the Sky: Yes - Save workers
Pinnacle Station: No

Saved the Rachni Queen.
Took paragon path with Conrad.
Completed the UNC: Asari Diplomacy
Asari Diplomacy - cut a deal with Nassana to get Armali Council License (Bought. sidequest and chose the Paragon response at the end.
Returned Nirali's body to her husband.
Completed all of the Feros sidequests. All 16 colonists alive.
Shiala is alive.
Help Gianna Parasini.
Helena Blake is alive.
Fist is alive.

Paragon-like Garrus - Dr. Saleon dead
Chose Anderson for Council
Acquired all party members.

Huge thanks to -Shepard- for this Shepard!

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2013-05-05 06:20:50
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 50
Background Earthborn / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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-All side quests and gathering done

-Bring down the sky:saved the hostages
-Pinnacle Station not installed

-The Rachni queen lives
-Conrad Verner treated nicely
-Asari Diplomacy completed
-Shiala lives and is in charge of Zhu's hope, 5 colonists died, Feros sidequests completed
-Parasini arrested Anoleis
-Helena Bleake is convinced to retire
-Fist lives
-Nirali Bathia's body was given to the husband

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2013-12-28 12:28:44
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 50
Background Earthborn / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Completionist, finished every single side quests in the game. All planets explored.Completed Prothean data discs/Minerals/Turian Insignia/ID's/Meddalians/Matriarch Dilinaga writing assignments.

Maxed out paragon meter(chose paragon dialog every single time).

Most Achievements unlocked, except for ally and talent achievements.

All DLC installed and completed.
Bring Down the Sky: Workers saved.
Pinnacle Station: Completed Ahern's Special Scenario.

Rachni Queen Saved.
Treated Conrad nicely and asked him to take care of his wife.
Ashley saved and Liara romanced.
Asari Diplomacy: Killed Dahlia and then confronted Nassana and charmed to get the
armali license .
All Keepers scanned.
Let Shiala live in Thorian.
Helped Parasini arrest Anolias in Noveria,persuaded Lorik Qui'in to testify.
Persuaded Helena Blake to disband her organisation permanently.
Fist was killed by wrex.
Allowed the Alliance to experiment on Bhatia's body.
Helped Emily Wong both times.
Convinced Finch that humans need every other races to survive peacefully.
Captain Kirrahe and Rentola saved in Virmire.
All Feros colonist's survived, no causalities.Every side missions also completed.
UNC:Cerberus completed and data was not handed over to Shadow broker.
Major Kyle saved and his cult was disbanded.
Geth data given to Tali.
Besieged Base mission completed without any causalities, maximum paragon points achieved.
Interview with Khalisah al-Jilani finished with full paragon and chose "Cannot confirm or deny" option for the last question.
Allowed Rana Thanoptis to run in vermire.
Corporal Toombs killed himself.
Chairman Burns saved from Biotic Terrorists and the situation peacefully resolved.
Uploaded a save file just before Saren confrontation.You CAN CHARM SAREN TO SEE THAT HE IS TOO INDOCTRINATED.
All Weapons are optimized for the final fight.

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2014-11-10 20:54:57
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 50
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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100% Paragon, found all Prothean data disks and Matriarch�s writings, plus got
very, very, close to finding all the other collectibles. Explored every planet I found, and did tons of side quests, including UNC: Asari Diplomat, one in which you call your mom, and another realted to your Blitz adventure, some years before the events of the game took place.
- Bring Down the Sky: have it, hostages were saved, bad guy got away.
Pinnacle Station: have it. Didn�t spend much time there, though.
- Citadel: never ran into Helena Blake, Wrex shot Fist, Nirali Bhatia's body was sent back home, Council was saved, treated Conrad well.
- Feros: completed water restoration and power cell quests(there may have been other quests, but I kind of ran out of grenades and had to show some colonists the power of my biotics. The great majority survived, however). The asari stayed behind to help the colonists. ExoGeni is helping them, too.
- Noveria: Anoleis was arrested, Parasini owes you a drink. The Queen is alive and well.
- Companions: got Wrex�s piece of crap family armor, influenced Garrus to be more Renegade minded, and gave Tali the geth data for her Pilgrimage. Romanced Liara all the way towards sexytime.

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2015-01-10 06:35:23
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 50
Background Colonist / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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100% Paragon, few Renegade points (background, the first Renegade square is half-complete)
Completed every single assignment in the game EXCEPT "The Negotiation" (it requires 80% renegade)
Gathering quests also completed

Bring Down the Sky Installed
Saved workers, Balak escaped
Found dead engineers

Pinnacle Station NOT installed

Saved Ashley on Virmire
Saved Wrex on Virmire
Rana Thompson was allowed to leave Virmire

Lorik'Quin convinced to testify, Anoleis arrested
Liara present for Benezia's death
Rachni Queen saved

Helped colonists with their problems.
Jeong is dead
Hossle recieved his data
Every single colonist survived, Shiala alive

Other stuff:
Rich character with max amount of credits, no glitching/cheats for credits or Paragon points
Helena Blake is alive, convinced her to disband the gang
Fist is alive
Conrand charmed to go home
Asari Diplomacy completed
Nirali Bhatia's body returned to her husband
Council was saved
Garrus convinced to be more Paragon-like
Wrex got his family armor
Tali got Geth-data

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2015-01-21 14:49:28
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 50
Background Earthborn / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council No
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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100% Paragon / 20% Renegade

Completionist Save.
All Sidequests completed

Bring Down the Sky installed
Saved the workers

Saved the Rachni Queen

Dont talked the third time with Conrad Verner

Nassana's slaver sister killed

Asari who was cloned is live

Both Anoleis and Parasini stay alive and free

Helena Blake is live and her quest done

Fist is dead

I allow the Alliance to experiment on Nirali Bhatia's body

Completed all of the Feros sidequests. All 16 colonists alive.

Encouraged Garrus to be more paragon

Cereberus Data Disc with the Counsil, Let Tali keep a copy of the Geth

Refused support for Terra Firma

9999999 Credits

Name Enearon Shepard
Date Added 2016-06-25 04:01:43
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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(Double Playthrough)
100% Paragon / 0% Renegade

Completed all sidequests.
Completed all collections.
Completed almost all achievements except Ally related and insane difficult.

Completed Bring Down the Sky DLC - Saved the scientists.
Completed Pinnacle Station DLC in the first playthrough, ignored on second.

Conrad Verner treated with paragon choices.
Asari Diplomacy finished with paragon choice. Get the Armali License.
Returned Nirali's body to her husband.
Saved all colonists on Zhu's Hope. All sidequests finished also.

Encouraged Garrus to be more paragon, paragon choice on Dr. Saelon quest.
Wrex survive on Virmire. Also finished the armor quest.
Saved Kaidan on Virmire.
Saved the Council.
Captain Anderson on the Council.

Name Emerik Shepard
Date Added 2017-01-06 19:17:00
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Earthborn / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Ambassador Udina
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My Shepard was a maximalist too. I made the paragon decisions almost always. I helped the most people. I choosed Liara.
- I gave to little sister Tali a copy of the founded data on the Geth-base So she completed her pilgrimage.
- I helped Wrex to retrieve his family's armor
- I helped Garrus to find Dr. Saleon. And I persuaded Garrus to the be good
- Bring down the sky installed, and completed. I saved the colonist and i left Balak to run.
- Pinnacle Station completed, the retirement place acquired
- Every side quest completed: Noveria, Feros, Virmire
- All 16 colonist saved (i used anti-thorian grenades)
- Shiala saved
- All sidequests of Zhu's Hope completed
- Ethan Yeong is not killed, i persuaded him to the right choice
- Noveria side-quests completed
- Rachni queen saved
- I supported with every possible thing Kirrahe's assault
- The asari scientist and the harmless salari indoctrinated prisoners released
- Captain Kirrahe lives
- All UNC-quests comleted (except Planet Nonuel quest: UNC: The Negotiation is not, because that needed high renegade level).
- The collector-quest comleted: ID-tags, Matriarch writings, minerals (more than needed), Protean Disks
- Helena Blake's quest completed and i persuaded her to retire
- Major Kyle persuaded to surrender, his followers saved
- The VI on the Luna destroyed
- All 21 Keepers scanned in the Citadel
- Asari diplomat-quest comleted (paragon dialog choosen, i made a deal with Nassana
- Every Citadel sidequest competed
- Th Asari consort Shaira's quest completed, her trinket received and used
- Hanar Preacher persuaded to stop his unwanted preaching :-)
- Old friends quest completed, i convinced the turian guard to free the prisoner (this quest only available for earthborn characters)
- Schells the gambler salarian's device given to Doran
- Rita's sister saved, i assisted Chellick the detective. I gave the money to Jax.
- Dr. Michelle's blackmailer persuaded to leave
- Conrad Verner treated politely and nicely, at the end i convinced him to stay home

Name James Shepard
Date Added 2017-03-30 03:46:03
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 48
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Leaning heavily more towards completionist (e.g. 11/13 Turian Emblems, 9/10 Asari Writings).
Both Bring Down the Sky Pinnacle Station installed
Saved the workers
Saved the Rachni Queen.
Convinced Conrad that is family is more important.
Completed UNC: Asari Diplomacy
Let the cloned Asari live.
Help Parasini arrest Anolias.
Left elena Blake alive.
Wrex competed his contract on Fist.
Gave her body back.

Name Lewis Shepard
Date Added 2017-12-12 16:10:46
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 50
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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-Completionist run, with the exceptions (Turian Insignias, Valuable Minerals, Locate Signs of Battle) having no influence whatsover in ME2/3.

-This save provides maximized opportunities for ME2/3, with everyone able to show up in the sequels.


-Bring Down the Sky: Saved Workers/Found missing engineers
-Pinnacle Station: Beat every challenge/Got apartment


-Rich (8 million plus)
-Saved Rachni Queen
-Helped Tali with her pilgrimage
-Helped Wrex with family armor
-Helped Garrus with Dr. Saleon (Paragon)
-Motivated Garrus to be Paragon
-Conrad Verner Alive (Paragon)
-UNC: Asari Diplomacy completed
-Let Shiala live (Feros: The Thorian)
-Helped Parasini arrest Anoiles and got Quinn to testify
-Helena Blake talked out of crime (UNC: Hostile Takeover)
-Fist lives
-Nirali Bhatia's body given back to husband
-Let Rana Thanoptis live (Virmire)
-Saren killed himself
-Feros saved, all colonists alive
-Killed Inamorda, took Opold's package for myself (Noveria: Smuggling)
-Impressed Al-Jilani (Paragon)
-Impressed Mikhailovich (Paragon)
-Saved all scientists from biotic extremists (UNC: Besieged Base)
-Saved Chairman Burns from biotic extremists (UNC: Hostage)
-Gave Major Kyle to the Alliance (UNC: Major Kyle)
-Convinced Toombs to let Dr. Wayne live (UNC: Dead Scientists)
-Tried to arrest/killed rogue scientists (UNC: ExoGeni Facility)
-Gave Schells' gambling device to Doran
-Scanned the keepers for Chorban, convinced Jahleed to work with him
-Convinced Rita's sister to go back to Flux, and helped C-Sec despite not needing to do it; made a peaceful negotiation.
-Convinced krogan to go away (Citadel: Doctor Michel)
-Helped Consort Shaira with both Xeltan and the General; used her trinket on the Prothean device. Didn't have sex with her
-Gave Fist's data to Emily Wong
-Convinced Emily Wong to *not* make a story about overworked traffic controllers
-Refused to support Saracino
-Convinced diplomat to seek treatment and let his assistant go to the negotiations (Citadel: Negotiatior's Request)
-Helped salarian team survive in Virmire
-Allowed every salarian test subject to leave their cells in Virmire, both healthy and indoctrinated
-Convinced Rebekah to undergo therapy
-Convinced Zabaleta to seek treatment and talked to Shepard's mother in the Normandy

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2018-05-04 14:26:01
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Earthborn / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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All quests done (including all gathering and mineral quests). All planets visited.

Both paragon and renegade points maxed, so completed both sidequests relating to reaching 75% of both.

Bring Down the Sky: yes - Saved the humans and let the batarians escape
Pinnacle Station: yes - 100% completed including Ahern's special scenario

Alignment in brackets were the chosen dialogue options when dealing with the quest (does not necessarily equate to the same result, though).

- All party members collected
- Saved Kaidan and the Salarian commando team
- Romanced Liara
- Gave Tali the Geth data
- (PARA) Kept Wrex alive
- (PARA) Garrus
- (PARA) Saved the Rachni Queen
- (PARA) Saved the Council
- Nominated Anderson

- (PARA) Major Kyle, Hostage ended with with minimal losses (2, i believe)
- (PARA) Persuaded Helena Blake to disband

- (PARA) Treated Conrad Verner nicely
- (PARA) Persuaded Samesh to allow the Alliance to conduct experiments on Nirali Bhatia's body
- (PARA) Helped Emily Wong, and returned the listening bug
- (PARA) Refused to give vote for Terra Firma party
- (PARA) Persuaded preaching Hanar to leave
- (NEUTRAL) Scanned the machines for Schell
- (PARA) Helped out Jenna and Chellick without giving the game away
- (RENE) Persuaded Rebekah to go for gene therapy
- Completed the UNC: Asari Diplomacy sidequest, persuaded her for license
- Persuaded Keeler to go for drug addiction rehab, did not give him any stimulant

- (PARA) Completed all colony quests
- (PARA) All colonists survive
- (PARA) Shiala lives
- (PARA) Persuaded Jeong to get ExoGeni to invest heavily into Zhu's Hope

- (RENE) Smuggled for the merchant
- (PARA) Anoleis arrested
- (RENE) Fed Calis the wrong info

Name Albert Shepard
Date Added 2018-08-04 02:40:26
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Earthborn / Ruthless
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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*Bring down the sky DLC installed and completed (Killed Baalak)

*PS Not Installed

*All sidequests completed

- Saved the Council

- Saved Rachni Queen

- Treated Conrad Verner nicely

- UNC: Asari Diplomacy completed

- Let Shiala live (Thorian Asari)

- Helped Parasini arrest Anolias on Noveria

- Killed Helena Blake

- Fist killed by Wrex

- Nirali Bhatia returned to his husband

- All turian insignias, Salarian IDs, Medallions, Prothean Data drives, Matriarch Writings Collected.

- All planets explored

- All resources collected.

- Helped Tali with geth data

- Wrex Survived Virmire

- Saved Kaidan

- Helped Garrus with Dr. Heart (Killed Him)

- Major Kyle Surrenderred

- Crazy L2 Biotics Surrenderred

- UNC: Rogue VI completed


Name Ben Shepard
Date Added 2018-10-10 09:58:46
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Spacer / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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- Rich? Yes

- Purchased Elkoss Carbine license.

Party Members:
- Garrus recruited? Yes
- Wrex recruited? Yes
- Garrus is Paragon on the C-Sec path.
- Tali side quest done? Yes
- Romanced someone? Yes
- Romanced Liara

- Dr. Chloe Michel blackmailer was persuaded.
- Asari Consort sidequest done? Yes
- Received the trinket from the consort.
- Interview outcome: Apologize
- Had first conversation with The Fan (Conrad Verner)? Yes
- The Fan last conversation outcome: Paragon(Stay at home)
- Harkin talked to? Yes
- Accepted quest from Chorban to scan Keepers? Yes
- Number of Keepers scanned: All
- Jahleed quest outcome: Continued scanning operation
- Fist killed by Wrex.
- Talked to your mom after talking to Lieutenant Zabaleta? Yes (Spacer background ONLY,Citadel: Old, Unhappy, Far-Off Things)
- Citadel: Homecoming Body returned to Samesh? No.
- Citadel: Reporter's Request Handed over data to the reporter? Yes
- Helena Blake Alive or dead? How did you treat her? Alive.

- Number of colonists killed: 0
- Colony outcome Good+
- Possessed Asari (Shiala(Thorian plant)) Freed.

- Gianna Helped (evidence handed over)
- Han Olar talked to? Yes
- Rachni Queen released? Yes

- Wrex alive
- Geth Flyers disabled? Yes (Captain Kirrahe saved)
- Psyrana (Asari assistant in one of the labs let go or not inside the facility) dead? No
- Rescued Kaidan

- Old Council Saved
- Choice for new council member: Anderson
- Game complete? Yes

- Completd all mineral/Insignia/Matriarch Writings gathering sidequests.
- UNC:Hostile Takeover Accepted: Persuaded to disband gang
- Know about Slaver Asari quest: No
- Slaver Asari quest outcome (Killed Sister)? Yes
- UNC: Lost Module, - the silver sphere you find on that planet that has 3 pages of text
- UNC: Cerberus Heard of Cerberus? Yes
- UNC: Hades' Dogs Cerberus files found? Gave to Shadow Broker
- UNC: Hostage Chairman died? No
- UNC: Hostage- UNC: Dead Scientists? Convinced Corporal Toombs to lower weapon

DLC (Bring Down the Sky):
-Humans rescued? Yes

DLC (Pinnacle Station):
-Did not complete any Pinnacle Station assignments

Name John Shepard
Date Added 2018-12-12 00:51:46
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Spacer / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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100% paragon,slight renegade due to killing everyone I can at the virmire Laboratory. 100% Completionist,all collectibles and side quests

Both dlc instaled and completed.Workers saved

Saved rachni queen.
Arrested anoleis.
Got opolds package.
Got into lab through helping doctor

Colony saved.
All sidequests completed.
all colonists saved.
Shiala and ethan spared.

Kirrahe saved.Wrex lives.Ashley dies
Killed as many as I could at virmire labs.

Fist dies (brought wrex with me)
Nirali Bhatia's body returned for burial
Both consort quests completed
Convinced michal to let rebecca choose
Scaned keepers.Jahleed and chorban working together again
Zabaleta sent to VAO
Both emily wong quests completed,planted bug
Rita saved.Jax deal completed.
Schells scanner gave away
Was nice to Conrad
Helena spared,Gang disbanded

all completed paragon except for the renegade exclusive mission (couldn't do it of course).
All minerals,disks,insignias,etc...


Name Lucas Shepard
Date Added 2019-08-04 23:56:22
Gender / AlignmentMale Paragon
Level / Class 50
Background Earthborn / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Was your Shepard a completionist, even completing all mineral/Insignia/Matriarch Writings gathering sidequests and exploring every planet, doing every side quest? My Shepard was a paragon completionist. Everything is collected.

Bring Down the Sky installed or not installed? Yes.
-Did you save the workers or kill Baalak? Save workers
Pinnacle Station installed or not installed? Yes, but skipped.

-Did you kill Rachni Queen or save the Rachni Queen? Saved Rachni Queen
-Did you treat Conrad Verner nicely (Paragon) mean (Renegade), or get him killed (Neutral)? Paragon route
-Did you complete the UNC: Asari Diplomacy sidequest? Yes
-At the Thorian, did you let the Asari who was cloned live or did you kill her? Let her live
-On Noveria, did you help Parasini arrest Anolias or did you get Parasini killed? Arrest Anolias
-Did you let Helena Blake live, did you kill her, or did you not do her quest? Helped her arrest Anolias
-On the Citadel, did Fist live, or did he die? Fist Lives
-Did you allow the Alliance to experiment on Nirali Bhatia's body or did you get the Alliance to give the body back to her husband? Gave the body back

Done everything as far as I know. Rich achievement.

This Shepard was submitted by Lucas Nascimento

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