Kaidan | Liara | No one
Name Symbul Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-13 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 50 Vanguard
Background Spacer / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Completed all gatherer quests aside from scanning keepers (something like 18/2x), completed all quests I found aside from a couple I got locked out of by not doing them before the flight from the Citadel. Made an effort to explore every system. A couple may have fallen through the cracks.
Full Paragon bar, a little Renegade on the side. Went paragon/diplomatic route with race but shot a few bad guys in the face (Virmire, Garrus' quest). Usually went blue, but was tough on crime.


Saved Rachni Queen.
Did not finish the Conrad interaction (as far as I know) but was nice to him.
Completed Asari Diplomacy.
Got Bhatia's body released.
Completed Zhu's hope quests. Killed one unnamed colonist. Oops.
Did not complete (failed) the espionage quest in the bar on Noveria.
Finished Garrus', Wrex' and Tali's sidequests.
Charmed my way through the reporter interaction, but gave away some info at the end.
Acquired information for the investigator in the Wards and assisted in her followup.

Encouraged Garrus to go Renegade.
Picked Anderson for the council.
Picked up all party members, got the achievement for Garrus.

Name Jill Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-13 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Vanguard
Background Colonist / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Completionist run, 100% quests done
Alignment: Paragon (Both bars maxed with cheats, paragon choices made.)

Do you have Bring Down the Sky installed? Yes
Do you have Pinnacle Station installed? No

Saved the Rachni Queen
Treated Conrad Verner nicely (Paragon)!
Completed the UNC: Asari Diplomacy sidequest
Chose to allow the Alliance to conduct experiments on Nirali Bhatia's body
Completed the Feros Zhu's Hope water/food/battery quests.
Killed none of the brainwashed colonists

Encouraged Garrus to be more Paragon-Like
Pickd Anderson for a seat on the council

“I did pick the very occasional renegade choice when it made more sense. I cheated my paragon and renegade bars both to max and did both of the 75%+ bar quests, and killed the guy for the renegade one for example. I can't remember where the other renegade choices were but they were nothing major.”

Thanks to B1G R3D for this Shepard!

Name Jill Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-13 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Vanguard
Background Colonist / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council No
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Completionist run, 100% quests done
Alignment: Paragon (Both bars maxed with cheats, paragon choices made.)

Do you have Bring Down the Sky installed? Yes
Do you have Pinnacle Station installed? No

Saved the Rachni Queen
Treated Conrad Verner nicely (Paragon)!
Completed the UNC: Asari Diplomacy sidequest
Chose to allow the Alliance to conduct experiments on Nirali Bhatia's body
Completed the Feros Zhu's Hope water/food/battery quests.
Killed none of the brainwashed colonists

Encouraged Garrus to be more Paragon-Like
Pickd Anderson for a seat on the council

“I did pick the very occasional renegade choice when it made more sense. I cheated my paragon and renegade bars both to max and did both of the 75%+ bar quests, and killed the guy for the renegade one for example. I can't remember where the other renegade choices were but they were nothing major.”

Thanks to B1G R3D for this Shepard!

Name Gwen Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-18 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 50 Infiltrator
Background Earthborn / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Alignment: Pure Paragon, I think 2 points renegade.
Completionist: Did every sidequest with Paragon options, didn't get all the writings and whatnot.

Do you have Bring Down the Sky installed? Yes, and saved the hostages.
Do you have Pinnacle Station installed? No

Saved the Rachni Queen
Conrad: Paragon option
Completed the UNC: Asari Diplomacy sidequest Yes and Paragon option
Nirali Bhatia: did not allow experiments, via paragon choices.
Feros Zhu's Hope:Completed and saved all the colonists

Garrus more Paragon-like
Anderson on council
Got all companions

Used money, level and talent cheats. Nothing past the games limit though

Name Joan Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-22 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 50 Vanguard
Background Colonist / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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100% Paragon
Did all sidequest except for the "mineral/Insignia/Matriarch Writings" gathering sidequests

Has Bring Down the Sky
Does not have Pinnacle Station

Saved the Rachni Queen
Was nice to Conrad
Completed Asari Diplomacy side quest
No expiriments done to Bhatia's Body

Completed all quests colony quests, saved all colonists at Zhu's Hope
Encouraged Garrus to be more Paragon-like
Picked Anderson for Council
I stopped using Ashley and Kaiden after Eden Prime

Name Angel Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-22 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Vanguard
Background Colonist / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Completionist run, Nearly all Assignments completed (missed only Depot-Stigma 23)
Paragon or Renegade: Max Paragon

Do you have Bring Down the Sky installed? Yes
Do you have Pinnacle Station installed? No

Saved the Rachni Queen
Conrad Verner: Paragon
Completed the UNC: Asari Diplomacy sidequest
Allowed the Alliance to conduct experiments on Nirali Bhatia's body
Finished all the Feros Zhu's Hope quests. Did not kill any of the brainwashed colonists.

Encourage Garrus to be more Paragon-Like.
Anderson for a seat on the council
Collected all party members

Big thanks to Revel for this Shepard!

Name Lydia Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-23 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 50 Infiltrator
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Completed all side quests, including every collection quest.

Do you have Bring Down the Sky installed? Yes - I rescued all the hostages, and let the bad guy go.
Do you have Pinnacle Station installed? No

Saved Ashley
Romanced Liara to sexytime completion. Flirted with Kaidan at the beginning, but when he wanted to continue the relationship, told him I was interested in Liara

Saved the Rachni Queen
Treated Conrad Verner nicely, convinced him to go home to his family.
Completed Asari Diplomacy sidequest - killed Nassana's sister.
Made the Alliance give Nirali Bhatia's body back
Completed all of the Feros Zhu's Hope quests successfully. Didn't kill any of the colonists.

Convinced Garrus to be more Paragon-Like.
Picked Anderson for the council seat.
Got every party member, and got the achievements for using Liara and Tali in the party for most of the game.

There's one small oddity in my save: On Novaria, I got the quest to speak to Lorik Qui'in about obtaining the pass, but before I spoke to him, I turned in Opold's smuggling package to the administrator and got the pass that way. However, the quest to speak to Lorik never went away, and I was never able to talk to him about the pass after I already had one.

Huge thanks to Skywarpgold for this Shepard!

Name Vanessa Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-24 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Sentinel
Background Earthborn / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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As far as I know, this character completed every quest in the game besides the 80% Renegade quest. There was one bug, where the second Emily Wong quest (bug the Citadel air traffic control tower) was completed, but according to my journal the last thing that happened was giving her Fist's dossier.

BDtS Installed and completed (I let the dude go to save the hostages)
Pinnacle Station installed but barely touched

Saved the Rachni Queen
Paragon treatment of Conrad Verner (sent him home)
Completed UNC: Asari Diplomacy quest
Had Nirali Bhatia's body returned to her husband
Completed all Feros sub-missions, killing ZERO colonists
Completed Hostile Takeover by convincing Helena Blake to disband her gang

Encouraged Garrus to be more Paragon-like
Picked Anderson for the council seat
Took all party members - this was my Asari/Krogan Ally achievement playthrough, so everyone else camped out in the Normandy

Anything else unusual: This character completed EVERY collection quest - minerals/gasses, asari writings, Signs of Battle, etc., with extras of every type of item. This character ended the playthrough with maximum allowed credits and omnigel.

Big thanks to bartolimu for this Shepard!

Annakie note: A user has written in to tell me that Kaidan is dead in this save, I've updated the character to reflect that.

Name Kate Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-27 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Infiltrator
Background Spacer / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Full Paragon Alignment
Completed every sidequest (except the renegade-specific one)

Bring Down the Sky installed and completed (I let the batarian go to save the hostages. I also convinced his second-in-command to leave him.)
Pinnacle Station installed and completed (All records broken, final scenario survived, and apartment won)

Spared the Rachni Queen
Conrad Verner resolved as Paragon
Completed UNC: Asari Diplomacy and chose charm option
Got Nirali Bhatia's body back for Samesh (no experiments)
Completed all Zhu's hope quests, saved all the colonists and convinced Exo-geni to reinvest in the colony
Encouraged Garrus to take the Paragon path
Picked Anderson for the council
Had all party members, primarily used Garrus and Liara

Other stuffs: I gave the CCerberus data to the Shadow Broker's representative. It seemed right to fulfill Kahoku's obligation. Also spied on the Binary Helix representative for the Asari on Noveria. Convinced Toombs (from Akuze) not to kill himself or his hostage. Convinced the Alliance negotiator to get help for his addiction. Used the "Charm" option in every possible circumstance. Completed all of the collection quests. Based on the planet maps on the Mass Effect Wikia, I found all the points of interest on every planet. At the end of the game this character had max credits and over 800 omnigel. All party members had Spectre X weapons and Savant X amps or tools.

Big thanks to Eseell for submitting this Shepard!

Name Joanna Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-27 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Adept
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Did every mineral/Insignia/Matriarch Writings quest and even gathered more than necessary. Explored every planet.

Do you have Bring Down the Sky installed? Installed
Do you have Pinnacle Station installed? Not installed

Saved the Rachni Queen
Treat Conrad Verner nicely
Completed the UNC: Asari Diplomacy sidequest
Did not allow to experiment on Nirali Bhatia's body
Completed the Feros Zhu's Hope, killed none

Garrus is paragon-like
Picked Anderson
Took everyone along

I gave the secret files to the shadow-broker. Used the console to give myself proficiency in Sniper Rifles. And have 21 unspent points. (Shouldn't have, but I did) I did however get the full 60 levels by playing three or four times with the same character. I don't know if it will affect ME2.

Name Audrey Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-28 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 50 Adept
Background Earthborn / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Side Quests: All gather quests completed, all Keepers scanned, all side quests completed, Galaxy 100% explored
Alignment: Full Paragon with a tiny bit renegade

Facial Code: 741.11H.917.F76.JDQ.16Q.1N9.711.M66.417.637.326

DLC Content
Bring Down the Sky: Paragon, completed
Pinnacle Station: Completed

Rachni Queen: Saved
Conrad Verner: Convinced him to go home, Paragon talking points (I was rude to him at first though)
Asari Diplomacy: Completed (used Paragon talking point to get prototype technology; actually I killed her sister without having spoken to her first when scouting random planets, but I don't think it makes a difference)
Nirali Bhatia: Paragon, returned the body
Zhu's Hope: All water/battery/food sidequests completed, saved all colonists, let Shiala stay to help them

Garrus: Encouraged to be Renegade (Dr. Saleon so deserved it!)
Council Member: Anderson
Party Members: Got all party members, completed all character sidequests (Tali, Wrex and Garrus)

Citadel/Noveria Assignments
"The Fourth Estate" Interview: All Paragon talking points, but I gave information regarding Saren
"Snap Inspection" Normandy Review: All Paragon talking points, inspection went well
"Planting a Bug" Emily Wong Investigation: Helped her with all information
"A Family Matter" Baby Debate: All Paragon talking points, sided with Rebekah (no gene therapy)
"Our Own Worst Enemy" Terra Firma Party: Disagreed xenophobic campaign
"Old Friends" Earthborn sidequest: All Paragon talking points, turned Finch in
"Espionage" on Noveria: Helped Armali Council spy on Binary Helix
"Hostile Takeover" Helena Blake: Used Paragon talking points to convince her to give up crime

Comments: With the exception of maxing out credits/weapons/armor and playing New Game+ to get to level 60 everything in my run-through is 100% complete (although the OCD gamer in me is really annoyed that I didn't do those things as well!). I chose every Paragon talking point successfully (except Jeong on Feros, whom I shot) and completed all UNC Assignments and sidequests. Named after (but does not resemble) Audrey Hepburn, cuz I like her. :3 Enjoy!

Big thanks to Mailee for submitting this Shepard!

Name Vivian Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-29 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Infiltrator
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Every single side-quest in every area ever are complete.

Completed Bring Down the Sky - saved the hostages.
Pinnacle Station is not installed

Rachni Queen - saved
Conrad Verner (the Fan) - Treated him nicely
Asari Diplomacy - Yes
Nirali Bhatia - Didn't allow alliance to complete experiments

Zhu's Hope: Completed the food/water/battery quests. Saved all the brainwashed colonists
Encouraged Garrus to be more paragon
Took all party members.

This is a Paladin save. I did every quest that was available and I was a beacon of goodness in the galaxy. Not a single choice was a Renegade choice. I'll include a link to a screenshot of the character below this small paragraph. Not sure if class makes a difference but this Shepard (well, all of them are) is an Infiltrator. I used the console to give myself enough exp to level to 60 during the last boss fight, so pay the level no mind in the screenshot.

I included both the completed save point and the autosave before the Saren battle. Whoever can just use the console to give themselves enough exp to get to 60. I was going to play through again with the same character, but I would have gotten burned out half-way through another completionist game, so I just cheated my way to 60.

Huge thanks to Jimbot for this Shepard, and apologies for losing her in the spam folder for 12 days. :(

Name Myrtle Shepard
Date Added 2010-01-29 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 50 Soldier
Background Spacer / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Max Paragon
Completionist, except minerals, Salarian insignias and Protean discs

Bring Down the Sky completed-Saved Hostages
Pinnacle Station installed

Rachni Queen saved
Conrad Verner - told to stay with wife/Paragon path
Asari Diplomacy complete
Nirali Bahtia: charmed Samesh to allow experiments

Zhu's Hope: All quests completed, no colonists killed
Garrus: encouraged paragon path
Human Council Member: Anderson

Name Nancy Shepard
Date Added 2010-02-13 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Vanguard
Background Colonist / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Max paragon, 0 points in renegade, did every single quest paragon way

Did every single quest including the collection quests. (Minerals/Asari writings/Turian insignias)

Completed Bring Down the Sky, saved the hostages
Pinnacle Station is not installed

Saved the Rachni Queen
Treated Conrad Verner nicely
Completed Asari Diplomacy

Let Shiala live on Feros, saved every colonist, and did food/water/power quests
Helped Gianna Parasini arrest Anoleis
Forced Helena Blake to disband the gang
Let Alliance experiment on Nirali Bhatia
Used all party members and encouraged Garrus to be paragon

Did every single quest and did them the paragon way, had 0 renegade points at the end. Explored every planet on every system for resources and did all mako missions, finished with max money (9,999,999)

Thanks to Pain_Griever for this Shepard

Name Elizabeth Shepard
Date Added 2010-02-13 01:00:00
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Infiltrator
Background Colonist / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Paragon/Mixed. I maxed out the Paragon bar using the Eletania glitch. I went through the game making mostly paragon choices, with a few notable exceptions listed below. I wanted to unlock some Renegade conversation options in ME2, so I used the console to get about 300 Renegade points total (I'm using this save in ME2, and it works so far).

Completion: I did every major world sidequest, except for the money funneling assignment on the Citadel. I only did the UNC missions that, according to the list on the website, have an impact on ME2. (e.g., no collections. If I don't mention it below, I probably didn't do a particular sidequest).

Bring Down the Sky installed and beaten (all assignments completed; hostages saved)
Pinnacle Station installed and completed (all 3 achievements gotten)

Gave the Geth data to Tali
-Encouraged Garrus to be more renegade (by killing Saleon)
-Saved the Council
-Picked Anderson for the Council

-Charmed Conrad Verner into going home (though it probably won't matter thanks to a ME2 bug)
-Completed the Asari Diplomacy sidequest (I killed Nassana's sister before speaking to Nassana at the Citadel)
-Turned down money for the Armali bonus
-Returned Nirali Bhatia's body to Samesh

-Completed all the Feros sidequests. No colonists killed
-Charmed Jeong into not purging the colony. ExoGeni is putting a ton of money into the colony as a result.
-Let Shiala help the colony

-Helped Gianna bust Anoleis
-Talked to Han Olar
-Released the Rachni queen

Other notes: This is not a completionist run. I only made this save to get a particular set of decisions to be imported to ME2. I did several non-essential major world sidequests, but only because they didn't involve too much unnecessary running around. Long story short (see below for more details): Level 60 Colonist War Hero with almost all paragon decisions (except killing Saleon and giving Cerberus data to Shadow Broker).

Other decisions/points not mentioned above include: killed Dr. Michel's blackmailer, completed Asari consort sidequest with extra trinket, smooth-talked my way through the interview, spoke to Harkin prior to recruiting Garrus, scanned all keepers, got Jahleed and Chorban to make up, had Wrex kill Fist, talked Talitha into taking the sedative in the Colonist sidequest, gave Emily Wong data from Fist and talked her out of doing the expose on the traffic controllers, did Schnell's gambling "research" (helped out Chellick to get the sidequest), talked Helena Blake into disbanding her gang, saved Kirrahe and his group, let Rana outrun the blast, got the lost module and used the trinket, gave Cerberus files to the Shadow Broker, talked the biotic into releasing Chairman Burns, talked Corporal Toombs into letting Dr. Wayne go. Oh, and I also used the console to get myself some armor and weapons.

Name Jessica Shepard
Date Added 2010-02-26 13:02:51
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 50 Vanguard
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Installed DLC Bring Down The Sky - Saved the hostages.

Pinnacle Station NOT installed.

Completed All Sidequests. The ONLY exception to this is the UNC Valueable Minerals quest, where I have not got the last three light metals.

-Saved the Rachni Queen.
-Treated Conrad Verner nicely.
-Saved the Asari from the Thorian.
-Helped Parasini with Anolias.
-Let the Asari on Virmire go.
-Completed UNC Asari Diplomacy.
-Killed Helena Blake.
-Let Fist Live.

This build is a goody-two-shoes; with the character always choosing to act nicely no matter what.

-contributed by Saptarshi Chakraborty.

Name Jane Shepard
Date Added 2010-02-26 22:24:29
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Adept
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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This was a true speed run. Didn't waste time with anything except main story line. I have used console commands for XP, some equipment and money because I wanted it over with ASAP.

No Bring Down the Sky.
No Pinnacle Station.

Saved the Rachni queen.
Told Conrad to go home (paragon).
Completed Asari diplomacy quest.

Let the thorian asari live.
Helped Parasini arrest Anoleis.
Let Helena Blake live and persuaded her to stop her criminal career (paragon).
Fist survived.

100% paragon, the save is just before the final Saren fight. Council/human councilor options are open.
Here's her face if you want to know what she looks like:

Enjoy :)

Name Jane Shepard
Date Added 2010-03-14 15:03:29
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 50 Infiltrator
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council No
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Completionist with all mineral/insignia/matriarch writing gathering sidequests done, every planet explored and every side quest done.

Bring Down the Sky installed and workers saved.
Pinnacle Station not installed.

Saved the Rachni Queen.
Treated Conrad Verner nicely (Paragon)
Completed the UNC: Asari Diplomacy sidequest.
At the Thorian, let the Asari who was cloned live.
On Noveria, helped Parasini arrest Anolias.
Let Helena Blake live.

On the Citadel, Fist died by Wrex's hand.
Nirali Bhatia's body was given back to her husband.
This Shepard was submitted by Mothhive

Name Jaenelle Shepard
Date Added 2010-03-18 20:03:01
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 55 Vanguard
Background Colonist / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Bring Down the Sky - Installed
- Saved Kate and the hostages
- Let Balak the Batarian terrorist go

Pinnacle Station - Installed
-Defeated all the challenges and Ahern's final challenge, got the Apartment

Completed all Quests
-Minerals,Insignias, League of One, Matriarch Writings, etc,.
Sent Cerberus data to Alliance.
Talked Toombs down to not kill scientist.
Completed "Scan the Keepers" quest.

Helped Gianna Parasini with Anoleis
Saved the Rachni Queen

Completed the Zhu's Hope survival quests.
Saved all the Thorian-controlled colonists.
Spared Shiala to stay and help colonists.

Convinced Alliance to give Nirali Bhatia's body back to husband.

UNC:Asari Diplomacy completed.
UNC:Hostile Takeover completed, let Helena Blake go.
Spared Rana Thanoptis on Virmire.

Paragon with Conrad, convinced him to go home.
Completed Garrus, Wrex and Tali's side quests.Encouraged Garrus towards being Paragon.

Gave Emily Wong OSD and then planted bug for her space traffic controller story.

Khalisah Bint Sinan Al-Jilani: Paragon for interview.

Name Jaenelle Shepard
Date Added 2010-03-18 23:11:22
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 55 Vanguard
Background Colonist / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Bring Down the Sky - Installed
-Let Balak the Batarian escape
-Saved Kate and the hostages

Pinnacle Station - Installed
-Defeated all 12 combat scenarios and Ahern's
-Earned the retirement house

Completed Asari Matriarch, Minerals, Insignia and Signs of Battle quests.
Completed Zhu's Hope quests and saved all the Thorian controlled colonists.
Spared Shiala, stayed on to help colonists.
Shot Ethan Jeong
Helped Gianna Parasini to get Anoleis arrested.
Spared the Rachni Queen
Refused to spy on Binary-Helix

Spared Rana Thanoptis on Virmire

UNC: Asari Diplomacy - Completed
UNC: Hostile Takeover - Let Helena Blake go.
Gave Cerberus files to Alliance.
Convinced Toombs to stand down and surrender.
Completed Wrex, Tali' and Garrus' quests. Encouraged Garrus to take Paragon path.

Helped Dr. Michel with Blackmailer
Got Nirali Bhatia's body back to her husband.
Spoke to Conrad 3x- Paragon
Emily Wong - Gave her the OSD and planted the bug in the Space Traffic Controllers.
I Remember Me - Convinced Talitha to take the sedative.
Schells the Gambler - finished the tests for him.
Scan the Keepers - Scanned all of them and resolved

Primarily used Liara and Tali

Name Flora Shepard
Date Added 2010-06-29 17:04:35
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 50 Soldier
Background Earthborn / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Made mostly paragon oriented choices and ended up gaining very few renegade points.

All collection quests were completed, every planet was visited. No side quest left undone or unassigned.

The Rachni Queen was left alive.

Conrad Verner was treated pretty nicely, ending up in convincing him to stay home.

UNC : Asari diplomacy quest was duly completed.

The Asari left by the Thorian was kept alive and allowed to leave free.

Anolia was finally arrested on Noveria.

Helena Blake was convinced to disband her organisation and leave quietly.

Fist died on the citadel by Wrex's hands.

Mr Bhatia was convinced to let the Alliance experiment on the body of his dead wife.

All colonists were saved on Feros.

Name Caledra Shepard
Date Added 2010-07-08 16:40:49
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 56 Adept
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Completionist. Did all quests but the renegade negotiation quest.
Even did the mineral/disc's/etc. quests.

Max paragaon not a single renegade point.

Got the rich achievment.
Purchased Elkoss Carbine license from the volus on the Citadel.

Bring Down the Sky: No.
Pinnacle Station: Yes.

Gave the evidence to Gianna.
Spoke to Han Olar.
Rachni Queen spared.

Ethan Jeong spared.
0 colonist killed.
Asari spared.
Colony outcome good+.

Captain Kirrahe alive.
Asari assistant spared.
Wrex alive.
Kaidan saved.


-Did all the extra quests on Feros.
-Accepted the smuggle quest on Noveria, gave the goods to Anoleis and then told the krogan about it.
-Helped develope the cure at peak 15.
-21 keepers scaned made Chorban and Jahleed make up.
-Dr. Chloe's blackmailer persuaded.
-Consort quest done, got trinket and used it.
-Used charm options only in the interview untill the last question where I told her she went to far and left.
-Was nice to Conrad, paragon outcome.
-Talked to Harkin.
-Fist let go.
-Did my spacer quest and convinced him to go to "AA".
-Made the alliance return the body to Samesh.
-Gave Schnells gambling device to the volus at flux.
-Convinced the addict outside flux to get help.
-Helped Emelie Wong out twice.
-Helena Blake convinced to disband the gang.
-Killed the asari slaver.
-Heard of Cerberus multiple times and did all quest involving them such as Missing Marines and Hades' dogs. Did not sell the info the the shadow broker.
-Chairman Burns saved.
-Made Toombs lower his weapon.
-Did Garrus, Wrex's and Talis side quests.
-Encouraged Garrus to be a paragon.

Name Yohanna Shepard
Date Added 2010-08-05 22:54:28
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60 Adept
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Completed all side quests (Mineral/Insignia/Matriarch Writings gathering, exploring every planet, doing every side quest, including Wrex's and Garrus')

I did neither Bring Down the Sky nor Pinnacle Station.

I saved the Rachni Queen
I treated Conrad Verner nicely
I completed all Citadel side quests (UNC: Asari Diplomacy, Fist (letting him live), Asari Consort (all parts, and getting her gift of words)
Shiala (Thorian's Asari) lived.
Anolias arrested
Helena Blake disbanded her crime group
Nirali Bhatia's body was returned to her husband.
Went all the way through with Liara's Romance.

Name Danae Shepard
Date Added 2011-10-19 13:11:50
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Bring Down the Sky installed and finished with hostages saved.
Pinnacle Station installed but not finished.

Paragon playthrough : full paragon and a bit of regenade.

Citadel :
- all keepers scanned
- Shara : all quests done
- Conrad Vermer : all done in paragon style
- The doctor : finished but dosen't appear in save (curious)
- Emily Wong : the two quests done
- the interview : paragon answers but the last which i didn't answer
- inspection of the Normandy : paragon options
- Fist is alive
- Asari diplomacy done paragon option selected
- Hostile Takeover completed, let Helena Blake go (paragon option).
- Convinced Alliance to give Nirali Bhatia's body back to her husband.
- A Family Matter Baby Debate: All Paragon talking points, sided with Rebekah (no gene therapy)

Feros :
- all colonists saved
- Exogeni representative convinced (paragon option)
- Shiala spared to help the colony

Noveria :
- Gianna Parasini and Lorik helped
- don't do the smugling
- The rachni queen saved
- Liara T'Soni was here against Benezia
- used the rear entrance
- cure crafted

Virmire :
- captain Kirrare helped (all secondary quests done)
- Rana spared
- saved Ashley

Final :
- Counsil saved
- Saren convinced to kill himself
- Anderson picked for council seat

Other :
- Burns saved and biotics surrender
- Matriarch writing finished
- Insignas finished
- League of One finished
- Minerals and gazes not finished :/.
- Sent Cerberus data to Alliance.
- Talked Toombs down to not kill scientist.
- all Cerberus quests done
- all secondary quests done but Minerals ...

Rich achievement : done
Liara and Tali used most of the time
Got sexy time with Liara ;).

Name Ariana Shepard
Date Added 2011-11-06 16:31:09
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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This playthru was a real "completionist game". I have gathered all minerals, insignas, writings. All planets where fully explored. All sidequests where done.

Bring Down the Sky is installed and completed. Balak was set free to leave in order to save hostages.

Pinnacle Station is installed but absolutely no played.

Importants chars :
- the Rachni Queen was spared.
- Conrad Verner was treated nicely (Paragon).
- UNC: Asari Diplomacy sidequest was comlpeted in paragon way (get the license).
- Shiala was spared.
- On Noveria Gianna Parasini arrested Anolias with help of both Lorik Quin (testimate) and my commander.
- Helena Blake live and disbanded her gang.
- Fist lives.

Some topics :
- Nirali Bhatia's body was returned to her husband.
- Tali's goes her geth files.
- Wrex obtained his ansestor armor.
- Garrus tried to arrest Dr Saleon in paragon way (and himself was pushed in the paragon way).
- the quests of Shara are all done, the token obtained and used in Etelania.
- all keepers are scanned and data returned to their real possessor.
- all hostages situations were resolved without violence, including Sirta (but this is bugged in ME2 import).
- Ethan Jeong in Feros lives and was convinced to help the colony.
- in the quest "the family matters", took the wife party.
- all cerberus bases and quests done, data dont sent to the shadow broker.
- helped Emily Wong twice and in paragon way.
- the interview was done in diplomatic way (dismiss in the last question paragon way also). She wasen't happy but i don't care of that :p.
- in Noveria, used the rear entrance and cure crafted.
- again in Noveria, didn't do the smugling
- Liara faced her mother.
- in Feros, all colonists are saved.
- again in Feros, the mod crafter was helped.
- the Doctor in the citadel helped and blackmailer was sent away in paragon way.

Virmire :
- Ashley saved
- captain Kirrare helped and saved (Ash was with him).
- Rana Thanoptis spared.

Final :
- counsil saved.
- Saren kills himself.
- Anderson picked to be the first human counsilor.

Other :
- rich achievement obtained (full creds and omnigel).
- full friendship with Ashley, Wrex, Tali.
- Liara and Tali used most of the time.
- sexytime with Liara ;).

Name Ivanka Shepard
Date Added 2012-02-14 14:17:06
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 50
Background Earthborn / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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All sidequests completed, and collected most of the minerals,Asari writings etc. (one or two missing in places about 98/99% of everything collected). Both bring down the sky and Pinnacle station installed.Baalak was killed.

I released the racni queen, treated Conrad nicely, completed the Asari sidequest and left the Asari that was held captive by the thorian with the colony to help rebuild. I let Helena Blake live after completing her quest.
On the citadel, I killed fist and got Nirali's body back from the scientists to be buried.

Submitted by Japie

Name Jennifer Shepard
Date Added 2012-02-15 11:03:05
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 50
Background Spacer / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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A completionist run. All assigments completed (including the collection ones) with the exception of UNC: Negotiation due to Jennifer being the paragon Shepard and this quest being available only to 80% renegade.

She's 100% paragon and approx. 10% renegade.

Cornad Verner treated with paragon option.
Rachni Queen: saved
UNC: Asari Diplomacy: completed
Asari let go free on Feros.
Colonists at Zhu's Hope saved.
Anoleis was arrested on Noveria.
Helena Blake was killed (Hostile Takeover assigment).
Fist killed by Wrex on the Citadel.
Nirali Bhatia's body was released to her husband.
Talked with mom (Hannah Shepard) during the background assigment (Old, Unhappy, Far Off Things).
Cerberus data kept (not given to Shadow Broker).
Kirrahe's team was saved on Virmire.
Garrus's, Wrex's and Tali's assigments completed.
Bring Down the Sky installed and completed (all missions). Balak let go, workers saved.
Pinnacle Station not installed.
Also, Saren was persuaded at the end and committed suicide.

Here's how Jennifer Shepard looks like:


Name Alyx Shepard
Date Added 2012-02-15 19:20:02
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 57
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Bring Down the Sky Installed
- Workers saved
Pinnacle Station Installed

-Rachni Queen saved
-Conrad Verner treated nicely
-Asari Diplomacy complete
-The Asari cloned lived (at the thorian)
-Alyx help Parasini arrest Anolias
-Helena Blake lived (paragon choice)
-Fist died (Wrex fault)
-The Alliance gave the body back to her husband

"This Shepard was submitted by Renow_Ax"

Name Alayne Shepard
Date Added 2012-02-25 09:55:47
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 50
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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- Completionist game with Paragon choices all the time, except the mission that Shepard needs to be at least 75% Renegade

- Bring Down the Sky installed or not installed? Yes

- Did you save the workers or kill Baalak? Saved the workers

- Pinnacle Station installed or not installed? Installed

- Did you kill Rachni Queen or save the Rachni Queen? Saved

- Did you treat Conrad Verner nicely (Paragon) mean (Renegade), or get him killed (Neutral)? Paragon

- Did you complete the UNC: Asari Diplomacy sidequest? Yes

-At the Thorian, did you let the Asari who was cloned live or did you kill her? Live

-On Noveria, did you help Parasini arrest Anolias or did you get Parasini killed? Helped Parasini

- Did you let Helena Blake live, did you kill her, or did you not do her quest? Helena Blake lives and convinced

- On the Citadel, did Fist live, or did he die? Wrex killed Fist

- Did you allow the Alliance to experiment on Nirali Bhatia's body or did you get the Alliance to give the body back to her husband? Alliance kept the body, but I convinced the husband with Paragon choices

* Ethan Jeong on Feros was killed, due to not having enough Charm at the moment

Name Jann Shepard
Date Added 2012-05-27 10:34:43
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Colonist / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Completed every assignment, even the tedious mineral & artifact hunts. Took the paragon path at almost every decision point; used the morality glitch to get 90% renegade though, in order to get "UNC: Negotiation", which was (unlike all other assignments) completed violently (the renegade path). Other than that, if something had a charm option, I took it.

BDtS and Pinnacle Station were installed, but I *didn't* play them (I forgot about them this run through).

* Saved the Rachni Queen
* Saved all the colonists (and the colony) on Feros
* Sent Conrad home nicely
* Completed Asari Diplomacy, backwards (killed sister before getting mission, wasn't manipulated)
* Let Shiala (the Thorian's asari) live
* Got Anolias (on Noveria) arrested
* Let Helena Blake live
* Let Fist live
* Got Nirali Bhatia's body back to her husband

Name Shepard
Date Added 2012-06-04 15:56:12
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Earthborn / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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This was a 100% paragon character.Not a single renegade point was gained.All the sidequests have been completed(except for the warlord),including the collection sidequests
Bring Down The Sky completed -hostages are saved
Pinnacle Station completed-all scores are beaten,including Achern's mission
The rachni were allowed to live.
Conrad was treated nicely and convinced to go home
Shiala was spared
All Zhu's hope quests completed,no colonists killed,Jeong convinced to fund the colony
Helped Parasini arrest Anolias
Brought Liara to the confrontation with her mother
Created the toxin cure
Met Han Olar
Killed Alestia Ialis
Killed Captain Ventralis
Convinced Helena Blake to disband her organisation(the paragon way,of course)
Fist lived(he didn't deserve it,though)
Allowed the alliance to continue experimenting on Nirali Bhatia
Convinced Michael and Rebekah to get the genetic treatment for the baby
Convinced the C-sec officer to let the hanar speak
Told Chorban to stop studying the keepers,charmed Jahleed to give up the research(I previously scanned most of the keepers,though,so you should get the message frond m Chorban)
Completed The asari consort assignment,including the elcor diplomata,later received the prothean vison on Eletania
Convinced Keeler not to take the stimulant
Did not support Terra Firma
Completed Asari diplomacy and chose the charm option to get the Armalii council license from Nasana
Tali got the geth data to help her pilgrimage
Wrex family armor quest completed
Garrus guided down the paragon path
Doctor Saleon arrested(resisted arrest and got a mass accelerated slug to the face)
Besieged base complited-all scientists survived
Toombs convinced not to kill Wayne
Major Kyle convinced to turn himself in
Biotic extremists convinced to free Burns
Cerberus data not given to the Shadow Broker

Name Majev Shepard
Date Added 2012-06-28 04:21:55
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 50
Background Earthborn / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Completionist , 100% quests done including all gathering missions.

Alignment: Paragon with some (around 25%) renegade points.

Bring Down the Sky installed - Saved the workers in that .
Pinnacle station installed - 1st place in every combat simulation.

Saved the Rachni Queen.
Was MEAN to Conrad verner (renegade).
Completed the UNC: Asari Diplomacy sidequest.
At the Thorian,let the Asari(Shiala) who was cloned LIVE.
On Noveria,Helped Parasini arrest Rannadril Ghan Swa Fulsoom Karaten Narr Eadi Bel Anoleis ...... :P
Let helena blake LIVE.
Left fist alive on citadel.
Retrieved Nirali bhatia's body and gave it to her husband.
Encouraged Garrus to be more Paragon-Like.
Did all squadmates quests.

Took every charm option and some intimidating/renegade options at the end (coz people really got annoying ) Maxed out credits ,omnigel.
Mostly used Liara and Garrus and they have spectre gear (almost all weapons).

Submitted by Raj.

Name Sarah Shepard
Date Added 2012-06-30 12:07:43
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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completed every side quest in the game, made sure I fully explored every planet.

went paragon without any deviations(was tempted:P)

-saved the Rachni queen
-meet conrad, went paragon
-completed UNC:Asari Diplomacy
-wrex killed fist
-let helena blake live
-hepled Parasini arrest Anolias
-recovered bhatia's body
-saved all colonists on Zhu's hope
-did not punch the reporter
-gave tali the geth info
-encouraged Garrus to go paragon
-picked Anderson for the council
-convinced Wrex on Virmire
-convinced Saren to kill himself

Name Vivien Shepard
Date Added 2013-01-23 16:54:36
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 53
Background Earthborn / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Console cheat has been used to max out paragon bar and acquire equipment. This is my first Completionist play through. If you like the way my Shepard looks you can find her face sliders on,search for her in the search engine under rene Shepard thanks to nativezero for posting her.

Squad mates Assignments
Wrex Family Armor:Completed
Garrus Dr Saleon:Completed(Dr Saleon Dead)
Tali Pilgrimage:Completed(Copy of Geth data given)

DLC Assignments:
Pinnacle Station:Completed(Apartment Unlocked)
Bring Down the Sky:Completed(Hostages saved and let Balak go)

Shepards Background Assignment:
Citadel: Old Friends Completed(Informed C-sec Officer and Persuaded Finch to keep quiet)

Citadel Doctor Michel:Completed (Persuaded Blackmailer to leave Doctor alone)

Citadel Asari Consort:Completed (Persuaded Septimus to drop Campaign against Shaira and gave Xeltan Datapad, trinket recieved)

Citadel The Fourth Estate:Completed (Interview went well)

Citadel The Fan:Completed (Nice to Conrad Persuaded him to stay home

Citadel: Scan the Keepers Completed (21 Keepers Scanned, Persuaded Jahleed to work with Chorban)

Citadel: Garrus Completed (Garrus Recruited and talked to Hawkin)

Feros: Completed(Persuaded Ethan Jeong to help colony, All colonist Saved, Shiala spared stayed to help colony)

Noveria: Completed(Persuaded Lorik to testify, Smuggled Mod for Han Olar, Rachni Queen Saved)

Virmire: Completed(Wrex saved, Geth flyers disabled, Captin Kirrahe Saved, Psyrana Spared, Ashley Saved)

End Game: Completed( Council Saved, Captain Anderson Appointed Council member)

UNC Hostile take over: Completed(Accepted Money,Persuaded to disband)
UNC Asari Diplomacy:Completed
UNC Lost Module:Completed
UNC Missing Marines:Completed
UNC Cerberus:Completed
UNC Hades Dogs:Completed(Gave intel to the Alliance)
UNC Hostage:Completed(Chairman saved)
UNC Dead Scientist:Completed(Persuaded Corporal Toombs to lower gun)

Submitted by Nessy86

Name Vivien Shepard
Date Added 2013-03-10 10:56:22
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Earthborn / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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This is my second play through with this character due to realizing I had not completed a couple of side quests. Console cheat has been used to max out Paragon and Renegade (Paragon 100% and Renegade 100%) and to Acquire Equipment. The face sliders can be found at masseffect2faces (if you like the way Shepard looks) I only made small adjustments with eye colour and makeup a huge thanks to nativezero for posting this Shepard (You can find her under Rene Shepard in the search engine). All Squad mates have X Armor, Weapons and Mods. There is a wide selection of Armor, Weapons, Biotools, Omnitools and Mods in the inventory, super armor and gun acquired. All Paragon options were used. I always used Tali, Ashley or Liara as team members on all missions and side quests.

Full friendship with:
Full romance with:
Survived Virmire:

Appointed councillor:
-Captain Anderson

Pinnacle Station:
-All combat missions completed
-Beat all Vidinos scores
-Acquired Apartment

Bring down the sky:
-Found all missing marines
-All hostages saved
-Balak let go

Squad mates assignments:
-Gave Tali a copy of geth data
-Found Wrexs family armor
-Dr Saleon killed
Shepard background assignment:
- Convinced Finch to keep quiet and let go

Paragon Assignment:
-All civilians survived

Renegade Assignment:
-Treaty created between Darius and the Alliance

-All Keepers Scanned
-Acquired trinket from Sharia
-Treated Conrad Verner nicely and convinced to go home
-Nirali Bhatia body returned to her husband
-Fist Lives
-Acquired Prototype technology from Nassana Dantius
-Sided with Rebekah Petrovsky
-Inspection went well
-Interview went well
-Convinced blackmailer to leave Dr Michael alone
-Convinced Helena Blake to disband gang
-Talked to Hawkin
-Gave Schells device to Doran

-Ethan Jeong survived
-All colonists survived
-Shaila survived and stayed to help colony

-Convinced Lorik to help Gianna
-Refused to smuggle for Han Olar
-Saved Rachni Queen

-Disabled Geth flyers
-Rana survived
-Kirrahe survived

-Saren killed himself
-Saved the council

Side Quests:
-Collected all Prothean disks, Turian insignias, Valuable minerals, Locate signs of battles and Asari writing.
-Gave Cerberus files to the alliance
-Convinced Toombs to lower weapon and scientists arrested
-Used trinket on Eletania
-Chairman alive convinced to help biotics
-Purchased Elkoss Carbine License

Posted by Nessy86

Name Jane Shepard
Date Added 2013-04-25 08:22:19
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 50
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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100% Paragon, completionist playthrough, finished every sidequest (that I know of), including gathering sidequests. Didn't choose any renegade conversation options, all paragon playthrough.

Bring Down The Sky installed.
Saved the hostages, let Balak go.

Pinnacle Station installed and finished.

Treated Conrad Verner nicely and persuaded him to go home.
Did Helena Blake's sidequest and let her live.
Fist didn't die on mission.
Nicely got Bhatia to agree to leave his wife's body for the Alliance to study.
Keepers scanned.

Saved the Rachni queen.
Helped Parasini arrest Administrator Anoleis.

Let Rana Thanoptis live.
Got Jeong to agree to get ExoGeni to fund the colony.
Used Thorian gas on enslaved colonists and finished the mission without any civilian casualties.

UNC: Asari Diplomacy completed.
Encouraged Garrus to be more paragon.
Gave the Geth data to Tali for her Pilgrimage.
Found Wrex's family armor and gave it to him.

Submitted by JiggyS4w

Name Victoria Shepard
Date Added 2013-06-20 08:16:47
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 48
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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- Rich

- Full Paragon bar (with some minor Renegade choices for non-essensial stuff)
- Childhood as a Spacer
- War Hero
- Purchased Elkoss Carbine license.

Party Members:
- Garrus recruited
- Wrex recruited and side quest is done
- Garrus is Paragon and side quest is done
- Tali side quest is done
- Romanced Liara

- Dr. Chloe Michel blackmailer persuaded
- Asari Consort sidequest done and used the trinket.
- Interview outcome was full paragon.
- Paragon option when talking to Conrad Werner
- Did not talk to Harkin
- All the keepers scanned
- Jahleed quest solved with them working together
- Fist was let go
- Did not do the spacer quest
- Citadel: Homecoming - Body returned to Samesh
- Convinced Emelie Wong to not do the report on alliance flight controllers using paragon option.
- Helena Blake is alive - was conviced to end her crime days.

Feros: Fixed every quest, all the colonists are alive and the Asari was spared and promised to help rebuild.

- Gianna helped and Turian convinced to co-operate
- Han Olar was talked to
- Rachni Queen was released

- Wrex got talked down on Virmire due to being helped with his family armor, no paragon/renegade option was necessary.
- Captain Kirrahe and his squad survived
- Psyrana was saved
- Rescued Ashley

- Old Council was saved
- Choice for new council was Anderson
- Game is completed

- UNC:Hostile Takeover - Persuaded to disband gang
- Slaver Asari quest: Killed the sister and got a special license from Nassana
- Found the Silver Sphere and used the consorts trinket.
- Did the missing marines-quest and know about Cerberus.
- Hades' Dogs: Cerberus files found and kept for the alliance.
- Hostage Chairman survived and promised to make amends.
- Convinced Corporal Toombs to lower weapon in hostage situation.

DLC (Bring Down the Sky):
- Humans was rescued.

Name Jane Shepard
Date Added 2013-08-17 07:38:07
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Colonist / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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1.I graduated everything completionist, even completing all mineral/Insignia/Matriarch Writings gathering side quests and exploring every planet.

2.Bring Down the Sky not installed .

3.I saved the Rachni Queen.

4.Did you treat Conrad Verner nicely (Paragon) mean (Renegade), or get him killed (Neutral)?


5.Did you complete the UNC: Asari Diplomacy sidequest?


6.At the Thorian, did you let the Asari who was cloned live or did you kill her?

-I let the Asari who was cloned live

7.-On Noveria, did you help Parasini arrest Anolias or did you get Parasini killed ?

-I help Parasini arrest Anolias

8.-Did you let Helena Blake live, did you kill her, or did you not do her quest?
-I let Helena Blake live
9.On the Citadel, did Fist live, or did he die?
-On the Citadel, did First live

10.Did you allow the Alliance to experiment on Nirali Bhatia's body or did you get the Alliance to give the body back to her husband?
-I give the body back to her husband

I'm Polish. I cannot speak English so sorry for the mistakes ;)

Name Jane Shepard
Date Added 2013-08-17 07:45:42
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Colonist / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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1.I graduated everything completionist, even completing all mineral/Insignia/Matriarch Writings gathering side quests and exploring every planet.

2.Bring Down the Sky not installed .

3.I saved the Rachni Queen.

4.Did you treat Conrad Verner nicely (Paragon) mean (Renegade), or get him killed (Neutral)?


5.Did you complete the UNC: Asari Diplomacy sidequest?


6.At the Thorian, did you let the Asari who was cloned live or did you kill her?

-I let the Asari who was cloned live

7.-On Noveria, did you help Parasini arrest Anolias or did you get Parasini killed ?

-I help Parasini arrest Anolias

8.-Did you let Helena Blake live, did you kill her, or did you not do her quest?
-I let Helena Blake live
9.On the Citadel, did Fist live, or did he die?
-On the Citadel, did First live

10.Did you allow the Alliance to experiment on Nirali Bhatia's body or did you get the Alliance to give the body back to her husband?
-I give the body back to her husband

I'm Polish. I cannot speak English so sorry for the mistakes ;)

Name Ana Shepard
Date Added 2013-10-09 18:46:24
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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The face sliders for this Shepard can be found on under Rene Shepard huge thanks to NativeZero who uploaded her. Some Cheats have been used to max out both Paragon and Renegade also to level up to 60. My Shepard was a beacon of goodness and was a paladin save.

Basic Information

-Completionist Run
-100% Galaxy Explored
-All Assignments and Missions Completed
-Received Rich Achievement
-Purchased Elkoss Carbine License
-Paragon and Renegade maxed out
-Specialization Class Medic
-Level 60 Engineer
-Romanced Liara
-Wrex Alive
-Saved Ashley on Virmire
-All Squad Members Side Quest Completed
-Garrus More Paragon
-Council Saved
-Choose Anderson as Human Councilor

Assignments and Missions

-Citadel: Asari Consort Assignment Completed received trinket and had sexy time with Sha'ira.
-Citadel: Doctor Michel Assignment Completed blackmailer persuaded.
-Citadel: The Fourth Estate Assignment Completed looked good in interview used all charm options.
-Citadel: The Fan Assignment Completed treated nicely throughout game persuaded to stay home.
-Citadel: Garrus Completed met and talked to Harkin and Fist alive.
-Citadel: Scan The Keepers Assignment Completed all keepers discovered persuaded Chorban and Jahleed to work together.
-Citadel: Old, Unhappy, Far-Off Things Assignment Completed spoke to Mom and persuaded Zabaleta to go to the VAO.
-Citadel: Homecoming Completed spoke to Samesh and convinced Bosker to release body, used all charm options.
-Citadel: Family Matter Completed persuaded against Gene Therapy.
-Feros: Geth Attack Completed Ethan Jeong persuaded and alive, all colonist saved and Shiala alive stayed to help colony.
Noveria: Lorik Qui'in Completed helped Gianna and persuaded Lorik to testify.
Noveria: Geth Interest Completed spoke to Han Olar and Rachni Queen Spared.
Virmire: Kirrahe team Completed Kirrahe and team survived and Rana spared .

UNC Assignments

-UNC: Hostile Takeover Completed persuaded Helena Blake to disband gang.
-UNC: Asari Diplomacy Completed met Nassana first and killed Asari slaver.
-UNC: Lost Module Completed used trinket on Eletania.
-UNC: Missing Marines Complted Kahoku informed of teams fate.
-UNC: Cerberus Completed
-UNC: Hades Dogs Completed Cerberus data giving to Alliance.
-UNC: Hostage Completed Chairman alive and persuaded to help biotics.
-UNC: Dead Scientist Completed Persuaded Toombs to lower weapon and scientist arrested.
-UNC: Prothean Data Discs Completed
-UNC: Turian Insignias Completed
-UNC: Valuable Minerals Completed
-UNC: Locate Signs of Battle Completed
-UNC: Asari Writing Completed

DLC Missions and Assignments

-Pinnacle Station all Missions and Assignments Completed and Acquired Apartment
-Bring Down the Sky all Missions and Assignments Completed, Hostages saved and Balak let go.

Posted by Nessy86

Name Vanessa Shepard
Date Added 2014-01-31 18:53:00
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Earthborn / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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PURE Paragon, chose every possible paragon dialogue option, not a SINGLE Renegade point was earned.
Did EVERY possible Sidequest, let alone the Renegade-Assignment obviously.
Scanned each and every planet, asteroid, station, whatever.
Obtained ALL collectibles, every single one.
ALL loot containers were found and MANUALLY lockpicked.
Every single enemy has been killed while outside the MAKO for maximum XP.
Obtained 99% of Codex-entries (Soldier cant get all of them, google Virmire for further information on this.).
Obtained every Upgrade available.
Obtained every License available.
NO exploits/cheats/hacks were used whatsoever.

Bring Down the Sky has been installed and completed.
- Saved the workers, let Baalak go.

Pinnacle Station has been installed and completed.

Saved the Rachni Queen.
Treated Conrad Verner nicely (Paragon).
Completed UNC: Asari Diplomacy sidequest.
During Feros Storymission, spared the cloned Asari (Shiala).
Smooth talked Ethan Jeong on Feros, Good+ outcome for the colony was achieved.
Helped Parasini with arresting Anoleis on Noveria.
Let Helena Blake live after convincing her to disband her bandit gang (maximum Paragon outcome).
Citadel: Fist lives.
Convinced the alliance to return Nirali Bhatias body to her husband.
Spared Rhana Thanoptis on Virmire.
Convinced Garrus to be more Paragon, Garrus let Dr. Saleon go, but then he wanted to get shot anyways.
Helped Tali to complete her Pilgrimage by handing over the Geth data to her.
Convinced Major Kyle to surrender, rather then killing him and his followers.
Fully backed up Capt. Kirrahes team on Virmire - Kirrahe as well as most of his squad survived the assault.
Gave Khalisah Bint Al-Jilani a sweet taste of paragoncy during the interview at the Citadel.
Tracked down and annihilated every single Cerberus bastard, refused to hand over the data obtained from their base to the ShadowBroker.

Assisted the Salarian Schells with getting 5 wins at Quasar, then let him go.
Convinced the Hanar-Prophet to leave the presidium.
Solved consort Shairas problem with general Septimus, obtained the prothean relic from her.
Tracked down the rogue KI in the presidium and savely disabled it within 3 seconds.
Convinced the blackmailer to leave Dr. Michel alone.
Convinced C-security to stop using Jenna as an informant, but did the quest anyways without causing any commotion (Maximum Paragon points earned.).
Convinced Jahleed and Chorban to stop messing with the Keepers. AFTER scanning 21/21 of them of course. ; )
Planted a Bug for Emily Wong.
Obtained Wrex family armor.
Assisted Opold with smuggling on Noveria since Anoleis is a corrupt douchebag.

Reason for submitting:
I simply snapped and got fed up with reading things like I did every quest available! (except for ) thus I decided its time for some good old OCD!
Joke aside. There simply wasnt any female Shepard available for me with my favored background chosen AND decisions made AND romanced Liara AND saved Ashley AND every DLC installed and done AND 100% Completionist while being ALSO maximum paragon, non-cheated AND with the name Vanessa. ; )
Anyways, have fun with my Shepard and enjoy using her both in ME1 AND in ME2!

This Shepard was submitted by Dalaryon.

Name Sera Shepard
Date Added 2014-11-08 08:15:31
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Spacer / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Completionist, did every single quest, and sidequest, all paragon choices, pure good girl run, also completed all collection missions.

Bring Down the Sky installed
-saved the workers, Let Balak go.
Pinnacle Station installed.
-got apartment.

-saved the Rachni Queen.
-treated Conrad Verner nicely (Paragon)
-completed UNC: Asari Diplomacy before talking to Nassana, used paragon to get better reward.
-At the Thorian, i let the Asari who was cloned live, did everything to help Zhu's hope, didn't kill anyone.
-On Noveria, helped Parasini arrest Anolias.
-let Helena Blake live, convinced her to walk away via paragon choices
-On the Citadel, let Fist live.
-returned Nirali Bhatia's body to her husband?

Name Janneke Shepard
Date Added 2015-04-07 13:14:40
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 50
Background Colonist / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Finished every quest in the game.
Did everything as paragon as possible, resulting in a full blue bar and about 1 bar in the red. Romanced Liara. This save is about 100% game completion as it gets.

Has Bring Down The Sky
Has Pinnacle Station

- Saved workers on asteroid.
- Saved Rachni Queen.
- Treated Conrad Verner the paragon way.
- Completed UNC: Asari Diplomacy
- Let Thorian Asari live to rebuild colony
- Helped Parasina arrest the CEO of Noveria
- Killed Helena Blake
- Fist was shot by Wrex (not enough Charm yet :s)
- Allows the Alliance to experiment on Nirali Bhatia's body.

Name Lucy Shepard
Date Added 2015-04-07 18:01:25
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Surveyed every planet, finished all the missions and assignments.
Acquired all of the minerals / Insignia / Matriarch Writings / Prothean Data Discs / Medallions / ID Tags.

100% Paragon
21 Keepers Scanned
Got Elkoss Combine Licence
Council Saved, chose Anderson

- Persuaded Lorik to testify
- Helped Parasini arrest Anolias
- Rachni Queen Saved
- Met Han Olar

- Persuaded Ethan Jeong to help colony
- All colonists Saved
- Shiala alive, stayed to help colony
- Data Recovery completed

- Wrex saved
- Geth flyers disabled
- Captin Kirrahe Saved
- Psyrana (Rana Thanoptis) Spared
- Ashley Saved, Kaidan dead

Squad Mates
- Wrex recruited, alive
- Garrus recruited, Paragon
- Wrex Family Armor: Completed
- Garrus Dr Saleon: Completed (Paragon)
- Tali Pilgrimage: Completed (Copy of Geth data given)

DLC Assignments:
- Pinnacle Station: Completed (Apartment Unlocked)
- Bring Down the Sky: Completed (Hostages saved and let Balak go)

- Conrad Verner treated nicely (Paragon)
- Fist Alive
- Nirali Bhatia's body returned to the husband
- Spoke to Mum (Spacer Background)
- Citadel Doctor Michel: Completed (Persuaded Blackmailer to leave her alone)
- Citadel Asari Consort: Completed (Persuaded Septimus, gave Xeltan Datapad, trinket recieved, used on Eletania)
- Didn't punch Khalisah al-Jilani (interview went well)
- Persuaded Jahleed to work with Chorban
- Talked to Harkin
- Completed Rita's sister's assignment
- Helped Schells

- UNC Hostile take over: Completed (Accepted Money, Persuaded to disband, Helena Blake lives)
- UNC Asari Diplomacy: Completed
- UNC Lost Module: Completed
- UNC Missing Marines: Completed
- UNC Cerberus: Completed
- UNC Hades Dogs: Completed (Gave intel to the Alliance)
- UNC Hostage: Completed (Chairman saved)
- UNC Dead Scientist: Completed (Persuaded Corporal Toombs to lower gun)
- UNC Rogue VI: Completed

Submitted by Martyna

Name Nina Shepard
Date Added 2015-06-07 16:06:59
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 50
Background Earthborn / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Completionist playthrough, used the wikia and multiple guides to access every single side-quest out there.

Maxed-out both Paragon and Renegade bars via UNC : Lost Module and Noveria : Lorik Quinn glitches respectively. Did the UNC : Negotiation extra mission, killed 'Lord' Darius.

Collected all the minerals, matriarch writings, insignias, salarian medallions. By the last 1/3rd of the game I had enough minerals/items to complete the assignments, so some planets were left unexplored.

Bring Down the Sky installed - Killed Balak, let the hostages die.

Pinnacle Station installed - Completed, with apartment and all.

Saved the Rachni Queen

Treated Conrad well, though it was kinda hard.

Completed UNC : Asari Diplomacy

Completed Feros, all side quests. 15 colonists alive, let the Asari stay and help them out.

On Noveria, completed all side quests, Parasini arrested Anoleis

Helena Blake was convinced (Paragon) to disband her gang

Fist died, at Wrex's hand

Returned Nirali Bhatia's body to her husband.

Encouraged Garrus to be Paragon.

Almost all the side quests not listed were completed in a Paragon manner, a few Renegades here and there but nothing major.

Name Alex Shepard
Date Added 2016-01-22 08:16:02
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 50
Background Earthborn / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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My character has the completionist achievement even though I didn't manage to finish the mission with the medals (only 1 remained :-( ). I also have the rich achievement so that should net you an extra 100.000 credits on ME2. ^^

Finished the game on Full Paragon with a little Renegade.

Bring Down The Sky DLC included.
I saved the workers by letting Baalak go.

Pinnacle Station DLC included.
Top Scores on all levels and I have the Admiral's apartment.

I saved the Rachni Queen.

Conrad Verner is still alive and I treated him nicely ^^.

I have completed the UNC: Asari Diplomacy and made a deal with Nassana to get the Armali License.

At the Thorian I let Shiala live to help the colonists.

On Noveria I helped Parasini arrest Anoelias.

I did Helena Blake's mission and she is still alive.

On the Citadel Fist was shot by Wrex and I allowed the Alliance to experiment on Nirali Bhatia's body.

No mods included.

Name Jen Shepard
Date Added 2016-11-26 10:06:35
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Level 60 Engineer Shepard. Pure paragon - you will receive 0 renegade points importing her into ME2.

Completionist playthrough with every planet, side quest and assignment done, including collections of course.

Bring Down the Sky installed or not installed?

BDTS Installed

-Did you save the workers or kill Baalak?

Hostages saved.

Pinnacle Station installed or not installed?

Pinnacle Station installed. All missions completed, apartment gained.

-Did you kill Rachni Queen or save the Rachni Queen?

Saved the Rachni Queen.

-Did you treat Conrad Verner nicely (Paragon) mean (Renegade), or get him killed (Neutral)?

Paragon treatment of Conrad Verner.

-Did you complete the UNC: Asari Diplomacy sidequest?

Asari Diplomacy completed.

-At the Thorian, did you let the Asari who was cloned live or did you kill her?

Asari Clone lived.

-On Noveria, did you help Parasini arrest Anolias or did you get Parasini killed?

Anoleias arrested.

-Did you let Helena Blake live, did you kill her, or did you not do her quest?

Helena Blake's mission completed. She lived.

-On the Citadel, did Fist live, or did he die?

Wrex killed Fist.

-Did you allow the Alliance to experiment on Nirali Bhatia's body or did you get the Alliance to give the body back to her husband?

Nirali Bhatia's body returned to her husband.

Other import related information:

Character is Rich.

All licenses were purchased.

Companion side quests were completed (Wrex, Tali, Garrus).

Dr. Michel's blackmailer was pursuaded to leave.

Asari Consort sidequest completed, received trinket.

Paragon interview with reporter, ended stating no comment on ongoing missions.

Talked to Harkin.

Scanned all keepers.

Jahleed/Chorban reunited.

Talked to Mom (spacer background). Sent Zabaleta to get help.

Gave Fist's data to Emily Wong.

Gambled for Schelles, gave him data.

FEROS: Jeong convinced to help colony.

NOVERIA: Talked to Han Olar.

VIRMIRE: Kirrahe survived.

UNC: Lost Module complete.

Cerberus quests complete, refused to sell information.

UNC: Hostage - Burns survived, biotics surrendered.

UNC: Dead Scientists - talked Toombs down. Cerberus scientist taken in.

Name Foxy Shepard
Date Added 2017-01-02 03:00:58
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 57
Background Earthborn / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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100% Paragon, maybe 2 stray points of Renegade. Completed every quest with the most Paragon choices possible.
Completionist, every side quest including gathering quests completed throughout the game.

Bring Down the Sky installed
Saved the workers and let Baalak go

Pinnacle Station installed
Shepard received an apartment for being a badass

Parasini arrested Anolias
Saved the Rachni Queen

Jeong agreed to get ExoGeni to fund the colony
All people saved with Thorian Gas grenades
Shiala, the Asari Clone Template for the Thorian lives

Treated Conrad Verner nicely
Fist is dead thanks to Wrex making the choice for us
Got the Alliance to give Nirali Bhatia's body back to her husband
Placed a listening device for Emily Wong
Peacefully resolved preaching Hanar situation
Helena Blake lives and has been convinced to disband her gang
Completed the UNC: Asari Diplomacy sidequest
Persuaded Keeler to go to rehab
Handed over Schell's gambling device to Doran
Convinced Michael to respect Rebekah's wishes
Saved the council
Captain Anderson elected president of the universe

Got all companions
Played the majority of the game with Garrus and Tali
Romanced Liara and rejected Kaidan early on, no love triangle
Encouraged Garrus to take a more Paragon route
Was nice to all party members
Kaidan didn't make it to the endgame
Wrex lives

Other misc info:
Tali has been given the Geth data
Garrus was on the mission to go after Dr. Heart
Wrex was not on the mission to get his family's armor, but received it afterward
Peacefully rejected Finch
Peacefully resolved situation with Major Kyle

Name Maria Shepard
Date Added 2017-07-23 18:39:38
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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This run is a completionist one. I did all quests, except for the UNC: Depot Sigma-23 (I forgot its existence). This Shepard is almost exclusively Paragon (with some Renegade points). The console was used for money and some xp just before the fight with Saren.

Neither Bring Down the Sky nor Pinnacle Station are installed.

Citadel quests :

- General Septimus was told to straighten up and not give up on his love for the Consort (Paragon choice). The elcor diplomat (Xeltan) was informed that the Consort had not revealed his secret. Shepard was awarded a trinket (later used on the Prothean Globe on Eletania), and enjoyed some sexy time with the Consort.
- The Hanar prophet on the Presidium left peacefully, and the C-Sec guard was impressed by Shepard's diplomatic skills.
- All 21 keepers have been scanned. Chorban and Jahleed are working together again.
- Chellick got the illegal mods, and Jenna went back safely at Flux.
- Ms. Bhatia's body was given back to her husband.
- The AI on the Citadel was tracked down and deactivated.
- Shepard gave Emily Wong the data recovered in Fist's office, by discouraged her to spy on the controllers (Paragon option).
- Doctor Michel's blackmailer was dealed with peacefully.
- Shepard gave Schell's scanner to Doran.
- Michael Petrovsky was convinced to let Rebekah chose what she thinks is best for her child.
- Admiral Mikhailovich inspected the Normandy. His report was more positive than expected.
- Shepard's interview went well. She resisted the urge to punch the reporter in the face, and responded with paragon responses, mentionning Saren at the end of the interview.
- Shepard did not endorse Terra Firma.
- Keeler was sent to rehab. His assistant took over for the negociation.
- Conrad Verner was dealt with with Paragon choices all three times. He went back home.
- Zabaleta was convinced to go see the Veteran's Affairs Office (Space background quest).

UNC assignements :

- Almost all UNC quests were done with a Paragon choice when possible.
- All collections quests were completed.
- Wrex got his family armor back.
- Tali was allowed to copy the geth data to bring back to the Flotilla.
- Garrus was encouraged to be more Paragon, but still killed Dr. Saleon (sneaky bastard deserves it).
- UNC: Asari Diplomacy was completed. Nassana Dantius gave Shepard the Armali Council Licence, but unfortunately, no sexy time.
- UNC: Hostile Takeover was completed. Helena Blake disbanded her gang.
- The rogue VI on Luna was shutdown.
- All Cerberus bases were destroyed, and the data recovered was given to the Shadow Broker.

Main Quest :

- Citadel :
- Shepard did not met Harkin. She instead asked Barla Von for infos on Saren.
- Garrus and Wrex were recruited. Wrex later killed Fist.
- The Quarian waifu was recruited.

- Feros :
- All side quests for the colony (food, water, power and geth attacks) were done.
- Jeong was killed in self-defense by Shepard.
- All colonists survived, and were knocked out using the anti-Thorian gas.
- Shiala decided to stay on Feros and help the colony.

- Therum :
- The asari waifu was recruited.

- Noveria :
- Shepard smuggled the packgage and gave it to Opold.
- Shepard refused to help Calis spy on Binary Helix.
- Lorik Qui'in was convinced to testify against Anoleis.
- Anoleis was arrested by Parasini.
- All side-quests were done on the labs. Rachnis were purged from the hot labs.
- Shepard freed the Rachni Queen.

- Virmire :
- Wrex was not killed.
- Rana Thanoptis was allowed to run for her life.
- Shepard did everything to ensure as much salarians survived as possible.
- Kaidan and Kirrahe survived.
- Tears were (not) shed when Ashley was left behind.

- Citadel II :
- Anderson slapped Udina in the face.
- Shepard and her asari waifu got some sexy time.
- Saren killed himself.
- The Council was saved so they could still be a pain in Shepard's butt in the following games.
- Anderson was chosen as the human's Councillor.

This Shepard was submitted by A French CoffeeCup.

Name Engineera Shepard
Date Added 2018-03-29 10:28:45
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 50
Background Spacer / War Hero
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Kaidan
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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This FemShep is a completionist:
She purchased all Weapon Licenses; side quests; scholar codex; collected all minerals; Asari writings, Salarian and Turian insignia, explored every planet (or almost every, as I remember).

Bring Down The Sky DLC successfully installed, Shepard executed Balak for murdering human workers.
Balak attempted to destroy all life on a human populated planet, he murdered the workers; This femshep doesn't give Balak another chance for more human slaves and mass murder.

Pinnacle Station not installed:
My many efforts failed to install the Pinnacle Station DLC.

Shepard saved the Rachni Queen imprisoned on Noveria.

Shepard always treated her number one fan Conrad Verner nicely (paragon) for first two meetings, then on the third Citadel visit Shepard was nice but showed Conrad's survival weakness is disqualification for becoming a Spectre! (this renegade moment doesn't matter in ME2: when Shepard meet Conrad Verner in ME2 the story canon recorded Shepard intimidated Conrad Verner by shoving a pistol in his face). Some gamers falsely label this a bug, as they chose to not shove the pistol in Conrad's face.

Completed Asari diplomacy:
killed Dahlia before meeting her sister (the diplomat), informed Nassana about this only after meeting her for the first time. Nassana is in debt to Shepard and agreed to provide cutting edge manufactured goods because Shepard has no need for more credits.

On Feros:
- Spared Shiala as Thorian penance for her to remain and heal the Feros colony.
- Saved all the settlers at Zhu's Hope;
- Completed all sidequests (food, water, energy, geth transmitter in the tunnels);
- Executed Corporate Executive Jeong after he threatened Shepard's life;
- Retrieved and Gave Gavin lost data;

- Helped Gianna by persuading Qui'in to give evidence; she arrested Anoleis;
- Talked with Han Olar;
- Spared Rachni queen (Shepard is against genocide);
- Smuggled package to Opold; put bug on Binary Helix's guy.

Helena Blake:
- Helena Blake lives.
Helena was told to leave crime (Shepard did not have enough morality points persuade her to disband her gang; what will Helena do in ME2?).

On the Citadel:
- Fist is dead; Shepard killed Fist, later Wrex gave Shepard the bounty reward for reaching Fist before Wrex could.
- Shepard convinced Clerk Bosker to return Nirali Bhatia's corpse to her husband (Ashley in squad as Bhatia's friend for addictional emotional dialogue).

- Diplomacy with Wrex (Wrex lives);
- Executed Rana Thanoptis for her addiction to immoral experiments (shepard won't allow her to continue more evil experiments anywhere else);
- Sacrificed Ashley (as reported above) by rescuing Kaidan and Kirrahe's squad.

- Rescued the Citadel, Council and the Ascension;
- Shepard didn't have the paragon/renegade dialogue wheel options to force Saren to kill himself (this first playthrough: thus Shepard had to battle Saren on his hoverboard as a foe, Spectre vs Ex-Spectre - though this may be unimportant, it was a surprise!);
- Appointed Captain Anderson to the Council.

-Medal of Honor (1st completed game unlocks levels 51-60 and insanity gameplay);
-Colonial Saviour (completed BDtS DLC);
-Search and Rescue (rescued Liara);
-Charismatic (resolved impossible situation with charm or intimidate dialogue);
-Spectre Inductee;
-Paramour (complete romance);
-Paragon (earn 75% or more of possible paragon points);
-Power Gamer (level 50: ALL experience rewards increase by 10%);
-Geth Hunter (log 250 synthetic enemy kills: rewards 10% increase to shields);
-Dog of War (log 150 organic enemy kills: rewards 10% to health);
-Rich (exceed 1,000,000 credits: rewards access to specter master gear);
-Medal of Exploration (land on uncharted world);
-Tactician (completed game with shield damage greater than health damage: reward 10% increase to shields);
-Completionist (experience rewards increase by 5%);
-Scholar (find all primary races & codex race entries);
-Sabotage Specialist (use sabotage 75 times: rewards unlock talent for all subsequent character on this profile);
-Overload Specialist (use overload 75 times: rewards unlock talent for all subsequent character on this profile);
-Pistol Expert (log 150 pistol kills: rewards 25% increase in marksman duration);
-Honorarium of Corporate Service (complete Noveria Mission);
-Council Legion of Merit (complete Virmire);
-Distinguished Service Medal (complete Eden Prime);
-Medal of Heroism (complete Feros);

[I would have completed more achievements if I had listed them as objectives when I played.]

The squad that completed the game was "Engineera Shepard" (a Engineer Operative); Liara T'Soni (a Asari Scientist); and Urdnot Wrex (a Krogan Battlemaster).

*Operative engineers allow players to go tech-crazy by heaping on damage from their skills while debuffing foes constantly and recharging quickly.
Removing their shields, weapons, and removing their ability to use biotic powers, Operative engineers excell in battles.
The damage bonuses give operative engineers a lot of burst damage power, taking down any focused enemy almost instantly.

I notice that saved engineer-Shepards are hard to find.
Overall, Engineers provide an interesting play style choice, I know you will be challenged with this character build.

For my second playthrough the extra skill I'm considering is between Lift or Singularity for more crowd control ability on harder difficulty levels.

This Engineer/Operative class Shepard was submitted by RonMamita.

See Engineera Shepard:

Name Aphelion Shepard
Date Added 2019-07-01 11:13:55
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 60
Background Spacer / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Bring Down the Sky: Installed
Workers: Saved

Pinnacle Station: Installed

Thorian Asari: Alive
Colonists: 15 Survived

Tali: Given Data
Garrus: Encouraged to be Paragon
Wrex: Given Armour

Rachni Queen: Alive
Helena Blake: Alive, Disbanded Gang
Fist: Alive
Rana Thanoptis: Alive
Captain Kirrahe: Alive
Sha'ira: Aided
Emily Wong: Aided
Dr. Chloe Michel: Aided
Chorban: Aided, all Keepers scanned
Parasini: Arrest Anolias
Conrad Verner: Paragon
Nirali Bhatia: Experimented On
Khalisah Al-Jilani: Paragon Interview
Rebekah Petrovsky: Genetic Engineering Encouraged
Nassana Dantius: Sister Killed
Corporal Toombs: Convinced to spare scientist

Cerberus Assignments: All Complete
UNC: Hostage: Hostage Saved
UNC: Asari Diplomacy: Completed
UNC: Rogue VI: Complete

Rich: Yes
Paragon: 100%
Renegade: <10%


Pinnacle Station barely touched, but is installed. Other than Pinnacle Station all side quests were completed.
Nassana Dantius's sister was killed, quest was acquired by finding base, not being asked.

Name Reane Shepard
Date Added 2019-08-06 09:50:29
Gender / AlignmentFemale Paragon
Level / Class 50
Background Earthborn / Sole Survivor
Romanced Liara
Garrus added to party Yes
Wrex added to party Yes
Wrex killed No
Saved Council Yes
Party member saved Ashley
Appointed to council Captain Anderson
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Did all the mineral, Insignia, Matriarch Writings, did every side quest, explored all planets that could be and survey every planet that could be.
Bring Down The Sky installed, let Balak go, saved prisoners.
Had Pinnacle Station but never attempted any challenges.

Spared the Rachni Queen.
Treated Conrad in a Paragon way, told him to go to his wife at the 3rd encounter.
Completed UNC: Asari Diplomacy, even got her to say "Guess I won't need to trick you to kill my sister" because I killed his sister before quest.
I let the cloned Thorian Asarian live.
Helped Parasini arrest Anolias, got Qui'in to testify.
Did Helena Blake's quest, convinced her to leave the gang.
Fist died because I had Wrex with me (he shot Fist).
I convinced Alliance to return Nirali Bhatia's body to her husband.

I've completed Cerberus questline, but was never able to get Toombs to say "he only escaped because someone took down Cerberus".
Also Wrex survived Virmire.

English is not my main language, sorry if it's bad, I would gladly correct any mistakes, just send me an email, thank you for your time.

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